Saturday, June 2, 2012

so is this freedom or indoctination

the "nanny" is part of a full page ad in today's new york times attacking bloomberg's proposed ban on "sugary" drinks over 16 fluid ounces, placed by something called ( if you're going to propagandize people why not turn a profit while you're at it? nothing dr. goebbels wouldn't approve of...he wasn't stingy when it came to taking care of himself...why should these guys? )telling me i have a right to induce type 2 diabetes if i want and who is the government to tell me what i can and cannot pound down? the fact that most of those "sugary" drinks are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup ( the drink of the devil ) seems to be eluding ( or is being obfuscated )most of these bozos...fuck the "king corn" some of marion nestle's blogs on hfcs...and make your own choice...i've dropped fifty pounds in the last few years mostly by avoiding anything with hfcs in it like the plauge...i don't much like government or its institutions but the empirical evidence tells me that is a scam front for the hfcs syndicate and they can go get bent.