Monday, December 31, 2018

hegemon news

sunday's new york times has a "special section" titled "in case you missed it"...twenty three pages of articles the times finds it imperative i read/remember with the the twenty-fourth as a self-published paean to the times as the seeker and defender of the "truth" in these troubled, trumpist times..which is where we begin to have doubts...i have said ( and still maintain ) that media outlets are corporate interests with editorial boards, boards of directors, and shareholders , all in search of profit and all of which is bound to distort the way the present the news and render none of them objective...they are appealing to a core audience and pandering to that audience's world view...more than that though they are influencing that world view with an editorial line that runs through all the edited reporting ( one would like to see the pre-edited copy once in a while as an index of objectivity )...reinforcing viewpoints to a purpose...and while that purpose clearly includes profit i am inclined to think it moves beyond money and into the realm of power...already in possession of influence, they use that to maintain a separation among the general public into camps divided by opinion on a wealth of subjects from abortion and gun control to which cola tastes essence i don't think the times or fox news or cnbc much cares what i long as it is something different than what my neighbor long as he and i are bickering over whether this is "the bear's year" or not we aren't thinking about why it is so difficult for working people to make ends meet and if we really need that new flat screen tv and who, in the end, is actually benefiting from all this divisiveness and isn't the "man in the street"'s the factions in congress and their owners and the times doesn't want me to ponder that too closely...oh they want me to support the faction in congress they share ownership in with some other individuals and interest groups...but they aren't especially interested in me delving into the reasons why i am thinking the way i am...let them worry about the whys...we'll all be better off that way, right? and a lot of what appears in the times seems to trickle into the evening news and into the local paper throughout the wonders about the times that influential as "the paper of record" or is it that the media as a group are simply acting in their own interests and they way those interests coincide give the appearance of collusion? either way the public are misled and flat out lied to through distortions that serve to benefit a minority rather than inform a majority...the times says it is not an elitist advertising and editorializing put the lie to that..."objectivity in reporting" is an astounding oxymoron wherever you look in media..the times is an invaluable resource...always good to have a look at what the other side is thinking...they certainly loathe don trump...i am of the same opinion...our reasons for that would seem to be very different...i am aligned with the times on that...the reason why are radically different.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"it's safe to drink"

so says the mayor of this municipality...yeah...and the economy is working for all of us ( astonishing how wealth so rarely moves any way but up the socio-economic ladder but the liabilities are always "public" ) and that's what they told the people in flint too...there was a "computer glitch" that allowed too many minerals into the water supply...there are a lot of water main breaks...the lines need flushing but the weather is all wrong...the part they need will be here tomorrow...and if you'd just let the private water company buy the public utility we wouldn't have all these problems...a multiplicity of excuses as reasons and meanwhile i am washing my dishes and clothes...and me in this dreck...this is not a new issue...a water filtration plant was built here around six years ago to address this issue..of course that was during the tenure of the now incarcerated criminal ex-mayor and may just be a maze of pipes and kick-backs that does nothing...who knows? anyone who does isn't with an open ended water issue there will be bottled water in the house until further notice...and the obfuscation from the politicians will continue is the way of things...."we can't catch a break on this"...i'm hip.

Friday, December 7, 2018

selling is a cultural norm

it is a given that the wall street journal has no clue about my personal history...and if they did they wouldn't much care how their forays into the commercial world would or would not impact my is business and damn the consumer's sensibilities..the n y times might, if they mined their archive have a bit better idea stemming from comments i have made concerning some howlers they have published regarding addictive behaviors...they probably won' it came as not much of a surprise when the envelope with "new york times' printed on it fell out of my copy of friday's paper containing this:
some printed matter extolling the qualities and economies wjs wines can provide the readers of the new york times...and:
a couple of vouchers that would allow me to take $240 off the top of the cost of my first two would be easy to go off on a rant about the elitist nature of wine and the true constituency both the ny times and the wall street journal aim at while insisting they are news sources for the everyman and not commercial enterprises with a distinct bias...that would be beside the point..there are some people who can snuggle up to a glass of wine, drink it, and then move on to something else...not me...i never understood the logic of an open bottle that wasn't empty...and i am still deeply prone to immoderate behaviors...that won't go away..but i learned a long time ago how much harm the darker side of alcohol does to me and those near me..the n y times and the wall street journal don;t care about that...neither does society at a sub-culture we are pretty much on our own in this...even the "health care professionals" are comprehending only in a textbook manner...they lack fault of theirs and it is experience they should probably avoid..without it however they just don't get it...never will...end rant...hang tough...peace out people.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


i have been rereading orwell's "homage to calalonia" and i cannot recommend it highly fact i would recommend reading orwell's non-fiction ( "the road to wigan pier" or " down and out in paris and london"for example ) and essays as a sort of counterpoint to "animal farm" and "1984"...he had more depth than that...and ion it he spends some time analyzing how the media outside spain simplified and slanted their coverage of events to fit a few preexisting views on fascism held by the balance of news consumers of the day...they lied by omission in other words...something we should all be familiar outlets are corporate interests dedicated to acquiring and retaining an audience by telling it what it wants to here rather than anything objective ( this is true of msnbc, fox, the n y times, and any other one you's care to mention ) and so are more than happy to omit anything that might perturb readers/viewers/listeners...orwell was also a believer in a strong sapir/whorf hypothesis...that language controls thought and that by limiting language ( newspeak ) you can limit thought..nah..i will buy into a weak spir/whorf...some aspects of culture and society can define parameters of thought but those can be disrupted by epiphany...he also was deeply mired in "he who controls the past controls the future" and believed that propaganda sought to control the debate by unmooring historical perspective through the physical alteration and destruction of the much as i admire orwell and feel he has a better handle on the political apparatus than huxley's hedonistic approach to societal control ( "better a gram than a damn" )we are about to part company...the curent crop of corporate propagandists are not trying to physically destroy the past...there is no "memory hole"...what;'s up instead is that there is such an abundance of conflicting material geared towards the specific beliefs of readers/viewers/listeners that finding any certainty is a can read/watch/listen to anything you want and who knows what is what? you can find argument and "facts" to shore up any sort of belief system out matter how extreme or unreasonably over abundance of information/opinion that distorts reality rather than a dearth...where to start rather than where to find...there's no end to it.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

non-reformist reform

for me at least this advertisement from today's new york times magazine holds significant insight as to why the political system seems so disconnected and unresponsive to the actual needs ( you can forget desires ) of the polity at large...the system is assigns ethical merit by what people have and how they achieved it is pretty much's what you have, not what you are that matters...bny mellon understands this and wants to help you reach that gold standard of ethical preeminence by supplying you with a route to "never ending wealth "...there are a number of roads to wealth...televangelism...successful fraud...and this merits a brief aside...the system does not have many ethical rules about acquisition but a few do exist about sources of wealth...bernie madoff and jay gould were not necessarily vilified for fraud so much as whom they defrauded...jay gould stole from the stockholders and was made egregious...bernie, more recently, defrauded wealth as well...wealth frowns on can bilk and fleece the hoi polloi, be very careful appropriating wealth from the wealthy...politics is another road to wealth...have a careful look at the net worth of members of this congress and do some research on the next...they have more money than you...they are in the service of an acquisitive system and are becoming wealthy themselves...this does not bode well for substantive political change...i am prepared to believe that there are people who enter politics in a spirit of public service...i am not so much cynical about people as i am about institutions..which is what leads me to believe that their idealism doesn't stand much of a chance when it grinds up against institutional inertia...the system of government the framers instituted is profoundly resistant to substantive requires an overwhelming agreement between rulers and ruled for it to come about and that, given the tribal and self-interested nature of humans, is a rarity...most likely the bits and pieces of their idealism that buttress the democratic image of the hegemonic culture will be co-opted...any hint of non-cosmetic change will be quickly squelched...a "blue wave"? bear in mind that the framers were all about defending the status quo from the depredations of an "interested and overbearing majority" it's hopeless is what i'm saying, right?
no, not entirely..i voted last terms of primaries, general elections, and off year local primaries and elections this marks the fifty-sixth time i have voted since 1972 and intend to continue for as long as i can...because it makes politicians nervous when a lot of people isn't going to alter the inertia of the system much...but it just might make them nervous enough about outcomes ( they love voter becomes much more predictable when the only people voting are those directly benefiting from the systemic cronyism ) that they might have to pay some attention to voter needs rather than their handlers' go vote...the effort may prove worthwhile in terms of establishing some actual accountability... another small aside...this from personal grandfather, whom i did not know..he died twenty years before i was born, was a politician in a small indiana town in the father knew his father and, i believe, loved father also knew his father's political cronies and his constituents and said, in my hearing and something my mother repeated often well into her old age, "if an honest man goes into politics his friends will make him dishonest quick enough"...this holds true form the city council to the senate...jay gould is in the white house and even with a "blue wave" the prospects are grim...these people are not going to surrender their prerogatives readily.

Monday, October 29, 2018

all the news that's fit to print

the title of this post has been on the masthead of every new york times front page since who knows when and it could just as easily read " all the news that fits we print"...i am critical of the times a lot...mostly because it is "the paper of record" that has a lot of influence in "the media" is not alone in its medium that provides "news" is unbiased or objective despite some of their claims ( one presumes fox does not claim objectivity...too laughable...probably even tot those who share their world view )...they are corporate entities seeking profit...of and for the status quo...they may disagree with specific policies editorially but they are not remotely in favor of any substantive revision of hierarchies...the n y times does indeed loathe don trump ( funny but when i type the name that way auto correct does not cue me to capitalize it ) but only because they see his actions as detrimental to their own economic interests ( and, one presumes, those of their advertisers...i don't see bloomingdale's or citibank or tiffany or ford or amazon yanking ads over the times editorializing about "riling up the crazies" or the gop's attempts to "block the ballot box" )...but they are not editorializing about "the system"...only about an administration that is so upfront and arrogantly blatant about what "the system" is, which is oligarchical and extractive ( what, exactly, do you do that caries no cost to you? dwell on that for a time )...and the disconnect between the lite and the rest of us that the trumpists are highlighting continues to grow as mcconnell says it isn't tax cuts for wealth that are the problem but rather "entitlements" like medicare and social security...well...they are not "entitlements"...programs like social security are ones i have paid into all my working life...what trump and his cronies are doing is spotlighting the extortionist proclivities of hegemonic culture and it is making the times nervous..."the crazies", if pushed far enough economically, might come tot he realization that migrant caravans are not the issue, "the system" is...this worries the times because actual substantive change could curtail their prerogatives and put a crimp in the n y time's store all media are mouthpieces for for various competing factions of the hegemonic culture and a conciliatory voice offering no real alternative, just a plea to "fix" the system of which they are an integral part...( elites do not have to be cabalistic to be more united than the divided mass of the citizenry with its petty and violent squabbles which distract their attention from the actual perpetrators of their disaffections...all they have to do is act in their own self-interest and they are advancing class interest, however, since their class interest is based on taking everything they possibly can, they are also in competition and they will, occasionally, cut one another's throats...still...greed unites...abortion and gun control divide )...all of this promotes a political system ( logically enough ) that systematically redistribute wealth upward and mythologizes they system's unbiased fairness for public consumption ( we all have an equal chance to be as greedy as congress ) the disconnect between the governed and the government is more clearly visible than it has been in say fifty do we do? all the alternatives seem to entail some continuation of elitism under new management..."business as usual"with a different ceo and a shuffling of congressional membership...don't count on a "blue wave" and if it should materialize don't count on a change in much of anything beyond the tone of rhetoric...two points...1) they are politicians and so liars and, 2) representatives from other districts and states don't give a rat's ass what i think..incumbents generally win...the system isn't exactly set in stone...but the inertia of the institutions is skewed heavily towards the status quo...the framers wanted it that way.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

fear drives the machine

"a joyless existence, overshadowed by death and anxiety; human material for the authoritarian personality." herbert marcuse actually talking about martin heidegger's philosophy...but heidegger was a nazi and so it is germane__________one of the more noteworthy aspects of the current mid-term elections is how any and everyone is running a fear based campaign..that the trumpists would be whipping up as much hysterical anxiety as any of their fake news outlets can engender is not a surprise...the "progressives" are no better...and honestly this is no shock either...immigrants are going to take my job or congress will take my will hack me to death with machetes or the government will become authoritarian...the government has always bee, if quietly, coercive and unafraid to employ violence when it feels threatened by substantive change from below which might threaten the elite's ( and the elite is the government...more there in a bit ) prerogatives to maintain and expand a base of wealth and power..have a look at how governments...local, state, national...dealt with labor activists be they anarchists, wobblies, or industrial unionists..leaving out nixon, macarthy, witch hunts, pumpkin papers, domino theories, black lists and a slew of other oppressions from the past...the government is one of special interests...not by or of the just tries to keep quiet about it ( until some jerk like trump, who can't keep his mouth shut, gets into office and begins to highlight the disconnect )...which brings me to another point...the champions of "the street" are no less members of the elite who are playing the game by a somewhat different set of rules but still using fear as a base...warren is worth ( last figures i could find ) $18 million and pelosi has more money than ted kennedy did...they are generating fear for their own gain every bit as much as the wonders who is playing whom and what they are after..honestly the hysteria about a blue wave and the need to "take back" congress is bullshit...take it back from whom? and for whom? i have input in exactly two races for congress...i do not need to be propagandized about the cruz/o'roruke contest...waste of my time and theirs...except that it might make me more anxious and thus more easily manipulated...the media love consternation...sells advertising..moves goods...i will vote...i always do...i will vote what i think is the best alternative in a fucked situation..i always do because the system does not represent me...its priorities are elsewhaere.

Monday, October 22, 2018

not my style

the new issue of the new york times "style" magazine ( that workhorse of advertising revenue...first ten pages...$1,090,000 ) arrived with yesterday's paper ( and i was disappointed to see no ads from macy's )..."the greats" issue that purports to encourage me to emulate the lasting cultural contributions of viggo mortensen and bruce nauman...among others...while selling selling selling...oh there are "articles" among the glossy in particular that asks i give second thought to "brutalist architecture" which are gaining "new life" as poland slides into fascism...all this interspersed with lovingly photographed high end consumerist telling me what tequila to drink ( patron ) what sheets to sleep on ( ones woven from pima cotton )...and beauties like this...
that's a $13,900 purse top an ad not far past the article about foodies in the sacred valley of peru gobbling up native cuisine..they don't tell you about the way it prices locals out of the staples market...
baxter italy, archiproducts, and milashops would only give me a "price on request" for this baxter furniture chester moon sofa...intirium finally came through though...13,000 euros..or $14,950...we all need one today...
i am so culturally illiterate, so lumpen proletariat, such a philistine that 1) i have no clue what this photo is trying to tell me...2) i find the stench from the cologne ads uninviting...and, 3) i find this whole process of selling an elite, over hyped, over priced, wannabe lifsestyle completely undermines the editorial stance of the new york times...they hate trump and rightly so...but they are of and for the elite which engendered him..always good to know the media's biases and the times has a very difficult time disguising them.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

terra incognita

yesterday's new york times promised "a map of every building in the united states" in, seemingly, an "interactive feature" and "a poster sized view of one of six major cities, depending on where you live" in today's paper...
and so they did...a stunning four page fold out map of chicago and a significant chunk of its western suburbs delivered to my doorstep down here in back-yard goat tending indiana...the boondocks where cornfields and apple orchards ( and oh my, there is an entire post about fucking orchards just waiting to be written ) abound...
unfortunately the map ends abruptly at the state line and indiana becomes terra incognita for the urbane west of the guide to those rural wonders is deemed necessary by the editors of the times in their profound urban bias..the "new urbanism" is something they adore, subconsciously if not overtly, and if it isn't urban it is mostly disdained...
and there are rural areas...once you get south of the subdivisions of mcmansions alive with folks who have fled the big city and its taxes and it's politics and what is quaintly termed "urban blight" and made a new home in the boonies...that is a soybean field ready to harvest for the unfamiliar...
there's dense yellow # 2 down here as well...feed stock for all those extruded hot pockets and mountain dew that are ubiquitous...even in chicago...
i actually ran across farmer brown harvesting some of that corn yesterday...keeping the industrial food pipeline flowing...from conagra, staley's, and nestle to your table...which brings us to the actual point of this screed ( about time, right? ) "the structures of everyday life" fenand braudel wrote "the town only exists in relation to a form of life lower than its own...there is no town, no townlet without its villages, its scrap of rural life attached; no town that does not impose upon its hinterland the amenities of its market.."...what braudel fails to mention is that, in their urban bigotry, the "new urbanists" and city dwellers fail to recognize that no city is panels and vertical farms aside they do not produce anywhere near the material support their existence demands...they are delusional in their denial of what economists would term "externals"...braudel is correct...the city does not exist without its "scrap of rural life"...he simply neglects to factor in the city's preeminence as sink for resources and an epicenter of greed...chicago became wealthy by underpaying rural produces and over charging urban consumers..i have no use for cities or urbanist fantasies...old wendell berry is far too utopian in his view of the rural life...his is a bias in the other direction...still...a more palatable vision that that of the times.

Monday, October 8, 2018

the wea...arkansas...and tom cotton

"this is senator tom cotton. election day is 29 days. we need your help to remove liberal obstructionists from office. donate now!" that is a text i received not long had a web address which i will not put here because i an not shilling for this fucktard from arkansas or the jibbering dickhead in the white has been five days since der furhair has sent me an emergency alert...just what i want...that fool texting me...three days ago i got a text from an unnamed source that wanted donations to help old brett kavanaugh be seated ( the shits are multiplying )'s texter identified himself ( or the robot did ) anyway and both texts came from the same number 1-855-535-0080...there has to be more than coincidence that the president impinges on my phone with the pretext of some "wireless emergency alert" and then i begin to receive texts from the crypto-fascists in the fucking senate...where is my faraday bag? have i said fuck these people today?
as an addenda on the ninth of the month...a photo of the text.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket-or grabbo disappoints

so today is the day we "listen to the world" with the new york times sunday magazine...given the times recent up-swelling of anti-trump, pro democracy and "for the street" populism i had hoped there would be a series of stories humanizing the segments of the population vilified by the howling ,nativist, xenophobic, wildly distasteful trump base...with general electric leading the corporate charge of tolerance...i was somewhat optimistic in thinking this ( those of you who know me should stop gaping at that howler and remember the capacity for sarcasm )..what i got in my bulky sunday paper ( we will get to the causality of that bulk soon enough ) was the annual "voyages" issue
the times' annual paean to the wonders of travel photography...there is something of a difference this year however and it is the key to the ears that have cropped up in high definition photographs in their pages of late...
this editor's note stapled to the binding outside the magazine...
and this page of "detailed instructions" informed me that in an effort to move towards a more appreciable simulacrum of the natural world the times has provided a soundtrack for the photos i can listen to while i peruse the magazine if i sign into the times' web site...imagine my excitement...i was somewhat surprised at the dearth of advertising in this week's magazine...there were only ten pages of it and that was all dominated by general electric...and, since this whole effort to make my sunday a more natural place was "supported by" the same general electric one supposes that the pages were provided at a substantial discount...we should, however, not be over concerned about the times' fiscal health...
the bulk in today's times came, in part, from the "t magazine design and luxury" issue ( you know how we all crave luxury...the times wants us to and they want us to move beyond voyeurism and, if necessary, into debt to taste a bit of it ) 228 glossy pages of articles about the wonders available to us if we have the cash and 105 color pages of advertising for such necessities as italian leather couches, patron tequila, vacations in alabama, and tod's shoes that brought $11,467,575 into the times' coffers ( per the latest advertising rates i can find at the ny times )...they may have discounted general electric but they didn't lose health at the cost of social is the corporate way and the media are nothing if not corporate entities whose purpose is to make money, not necessarily by disseminating factual information...
i have closed with a photo of pepe mujica ( on the left side ) to cleanse the palate.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


because of a intermittent supply chain i received my friday new york times this morning...perhaps there was a glitch somewhere in the "news" pipeline...or i live out at the end of the motor route and the delivery person wasn't feeling up to the drive...or didn't really care if i got my paper on the same day it was dated...whichever...the point is if i had gotten the paper on time we would have already been through it stand the times has once again utilized precious canadian newsprint to send me high definition, full-page photos of ears ( different than wednesday's )...with startling detail that isn't all that aesthetically pleasing and a center-spread announcing that i am about to be heavily propagandized ( a trait the times has been displaying more openly in these trumpist times...with a heavy bias in favor of women..i have lived with women all my life..and i like them...have pursued them...seen multiple facets of them in sixty odd years...the times is distorting their humanness for political expedience ) over some unnamed but important ( in the editors' eyes ) issue that i should care about deeply and will be some tone-deaf trumpsist slug if i don't jump on the bandwagon and add my voice tot he groupthink chorus...i have already been through the evils of sanitizing history and pc debate framing and the fact that this tease is an attempt to put as much of the time's slick advertising into the hands of as many readers as will be of interest to calculate the advertising revenues from this weeks magazine ( provided i get the damned paper ) will all go into the archives as another example of the times goebbels-like stabs at grooming opinion to suit their needs...if politicians are whores ( and they are ) the bulk of journalists ( one assumes there is some integrity left in the also assumes they are not especially well read writers ) are their swinish stenographers.

Friday, September 21, 2018


i have been pondering a couple of pharmakons in a philosophical sense for some time and now a new one has cropped up…a pharmakon is something that is beneficial…a cure…up to a point…at some point, however, the beneficent effect turns toxic and the key…as with pharmaceuticals, is dosage…denial and community are the two original pharmakons i have been ruminating over…denial…we are all going to die…we all know this…and, to prevent ourselves from becoming some sort of edgar allen poe simulacrum we deny it…push it out of consciousness…ignore it to the point of forgetting about it…it lets us function in average everydayness without seizing up…something of a benefit…it can go too far…we can transfer that denial to other activities we should probably be more aware of…lie to ourselves so effectively that we mask our destructive behaviors and intentions ( both self and outwardly directed ) to the point we believe our own lies…become profound victims of doublethink…on one level we know what we are doing is destructive and on another actively ignoring that…conflicted…schizophrenic to an extent…addiction is an instance of denial becoming a toxic pharmakon where the only person seemingly oblivious ( and i am here to tell you they are not oblivious…they know…at least on a deeper level…what’s going on and it is a source of profound personal conflict…it is a difficult conflict to overcome…usually some sort of event that provides shocking, undeniable evidence of the depth and scope of the conflict is what is needed to overcome it…some do not survive the shock ) to what’s going on is the addict…denial gone haywire…community is another pharmakon…communities of like-minded people can be a wealth of support and a font of well-being for people…kurt Vonnegut maintained that loneliness was a plague in American life and that the preponderance of fraternal organizations, ( elks, moose, masons, etc. ) were a way of combating that plague and were therefor beneficial…i can agree with that to a point although nietzsche called solitude his “home” and de quincey wrote at length about the relationship between solitude and cogent thought…still...even an elk can find a moment or two to be alone…there can be too much in the way of group identification though…humans divide into groups…it’s what they do…tribes…villages…moose…and, no matter how benign the community is, the members consider their group just that much better than others…”we’re better” at one thing or another…”we do it right”…”they do things different there”…when community becomes toxic is when that “they” becomes “the other”…a scapegoat ( which, interestingly enough is another part of the philosophical definition of pahrmakon )…someone to blame for all your troubles…someone that needs to go…armenians…jews…bosnian muslims…tutsis…east timorese…the list goes on…and on…ein volk is a phrase that should be in utter disrepute…it isn’’s toxic…it’s still around…it makes people think walls are a good idea…and gives them ideas about what to do when the walls ultimately fail…human adaptability is a new one on the list and one that has arisen lately…i would not have thought it that bad a trait…what is culture ( in the anthropological sense ) other than human adaptation to different environments and the intrinsic problem solving necessary for continued existence wherever you are…yet human adaptability can, if the changes are incremental enough, lead us to situations and behaviors that are not of necessity good ( here we tie into the “ein volk” from above )…here i am specifically thinking of economic change and adaptation…of late the manufacturing job i worked at for decades vanished in what can only be characterized as another casualty of consolidation of industries and an export of jobs…if not overseas then to less unionized localities…i was headed for retirement and have many economic variables under control ( like debt…fuck debt )…still I had wanted to wait a while yet before stopping altogether and found part time work for what will remain a nameless retailer at a wage rate considerably below where i was at a few months ago…this is not a crisis for me…that it is not nearly a living wage is not a disaster for me…i can’t help but wonder about the younger people that are working there however…this isn’t full time work…they can’t possibly be making ends meet here…one supposes they have other part-time jobs that are equally badly paid…it explains why so many youngsters are so angry…so why do they put up with it? i have a hypothesis which might survive rigorous testing ( or might fall apart like a house of cards…this is me we are dealing with here ) the current economic abuse of workers probably had its genesis with the wagner act in 1935 but it became more manifest with the nixon and carter administrations and accelerated through reagan and clinton through to the late stage capitalism we find ourselves in...a conscious and concerted crippling of social legislation and the ability of workers to organize collectively to bargain over terms and conditions of work (i am officially an “at will employee” who can be “ discharged ate any time, with or without cause and with no prior notice”…unions are heavily propagandized against because they would put a stick in the “at will” spokes…as well as raise wages across the board )…as well as deliberate exacerbation of social differences to deflect energy and consciousness that might be aimed at a critique of government policies and the underlying elitist philosophy that drives it…a deliberate destitution and marginalization of workers that would have driven our new deal democrat parents into the streets has been accepted ( if grudgingly and angrily ) by a generation because the change was incremental over a period of decades...what would have been a political problem for our parents and is for us has become a norm for our children and grandchildren...if your work-life starts out at $9/hour it’s what is…you don’t have a frame of reference ( beyond mom and dad’s and grandma and grandpa’s stories) that tells you things could ( and should ) be different…you adapt to the norm…acceptance…there is a strain of quietism about human adaptation that is takes time but the social contract can be radically changed and the hegemonic culture can present it as the only logical end with no apparent alternative…there are alternatives…my best guess is that any substantive movement towards an alternative from below would be met with violent resistance from above…have a look around and filter what you see through a framework of pharmakons…tell me what you see…feel free to disagree...i could easily be mistaken…i am open to persuasion…i’m not a pushover though.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


mysteriously the n y times today ( my home delivery subscription is for friday through sunday so i wandered off to the starbucks on willowcreek to buy the only copy of the artifact they had ) included a four page pullout of precious canadian newsprint that featured two high resolution ( and distinctly unappealing ) photos of someone’s ears and the centerspread was criptically printed with block letters spelling out “ listen to the world. coming in 4 days. the new york times. magazine” with a more than obvious logo from general electric in the lower right…so what could this be? advertising for a new and exciting new sound system coming from the troubled company ( “grabbo’s coming soon! get it!” ) or is it ( and this is what i am inclined to think…as if you thought you weren’t going to get an opinion piece from me and, if you are reading this, aren’t familiar with my worldview ) some verbiage that touts the times ersatz populism along with some anti-trump “we aren’t elitist” apologetics that fits their corporate agenda by boosting their sunday sales and getting their slick advertising into the hands of more readership so they can justify their advertising rates…all with the collusion of general electric which needs some pr boost and has, no doubt., ponied up some cash for the right to brand itself as a “sensitive” and “inclusive” corporation…i have long advocated the stance that everyone ( without exception…you cannot sanitize things and expect to understand…something drearily lost on liberals…pc is thought control…framing the debate…well…i am brighter than that ) gets to tell their story and everyone has to listen…to humanize one another in our eyes…to find commonalities…to recognize the sameness that cultural differences cannot obscure…to make an honest effort to banish certainties and undermine the concept of “the other”…but i don’t advocate that in the name of corporate profit or to help reinforce a hegemonic viewpoint…information for profit is part of the problem…all explanation is reinterpretation…the n y times has an email newsletter called “the interpreter” which i subscribe to, to keep tabs on what the elite punditry thinks i should think…i read it but rarely believe it…i harbor a nietzschian distrust of interpreters.

Monday, September 3, 2018


“…one essential condition for a healthy society is equal distribution of goods, which i suspect is impossible under capitalism. for , when everyone is entitled to get as much for himself as he can, all available property, however much there is of it, is bound to fall into the hands of a small minority, which means that everyone else is poor. and wealth will tend to vary in inverse proportion to merit. the rich will be greedy, unscrupulous, and totally useless characters, while the poor will be simple, unassuming people whose daily work is far more profitable to the community than it is to them.” thomas more. “utopia” [1516] penguin classics edition. paul turner 1965 translation____________________________________________________________________ the end of summer…the end of fun…that’s the holiday celebration labor is allotted in the united states…not the international celebration of labor in the spring that memorializes those haymarket ”anarchists”…no need for american labor to identify with them…except that workers have a shared common interest ( if they could only recognize it…there have been some bitter lessons on that along the way ) and work itself taught them to be organized…still. “…under the law a mere combination of workers violated an employer’s freedom to run a business in a profitable manner. in moores vs. the bricklayers union ( 1890 ) ohio’s supreme court ruled it illegal to make an employer conduct business according to union regulation.” [murlo and chitty.from” the folks who brought you the weekend”p.112 ]…they quietly made efforts to find common voice anyway…from colonial cordwainers to the noble and holy order of the knights of labor founded by uriah stephens in 1869…originally a secret society because of membership blacklisting among employers, it went public in a declaration of principles in 1881..trying to teach American workers they were workers first, with a common interest, and bricklayers or carpenters or poles or germans second…in that declaration they stated, “…we declare that there is an inevitable conflict between the wage-system of labor and the republican system of government, the wage laborer attempting to save the government, and the capitalist class ignorantly attempting to subvert it.” these tenets they faced two problems…the first was the assumption that workers could easily overcome trade or ethnic distinctions…”america’s working class was most noted for its heterogeneity. native-born workers had nothing but contempt for the irish catholic immigrants, and the irish, in turn, looked own on the late coming poles, slavs, and Italians. whites feared blacks; jews suspected gentiles. employers easily played off one group against another and shrewdly mixed their labor forces to weaken group solidarity.” [dubofsky. from “we shall be all: a history of the industrial workers of the world” p. 4]…think guns, abortion, immigration and you’ll see the “shrewdly” is still in play…there is very little recognition by workers that they form a class…the “classless society” mythos in america is inculcated from an early age ( unless, of course, you are openly and cogently critical of the hegemonic culture…then you are engaging in “class warfare”, something elite interests would never dream of doing )...and humans by their nature are tribal…they split off into groups of common outlook that tend to be small…the larger and more complex they become the more energy there is used in internecine debate rather than focused action…solidarity has many issues…the second problem the knights faced was their thinking that the government was some sort of neutral umpire that would, If capitalists would just let it function the way it was designed, resolve disputes fairly…unfortunately the government has been in the hands of the economic elite since at least 1789 and the government was never neutral...and the governmental bias the knights faced in the gilded age carried over into the next century…”by 1917 the war department ( it was a more honest age in that respect…no euphemistic department of defense…a fairly recent addition of a grey, calming bureaucratic lexicon…we only kill people with drone strikes to defend ourselves, right? no imperial motives here…nothing to see...move along folks…asking inconvenient questions just upsets the digestion…whose digestion is what i wonder about ) had had considerable experience in using soldiers to quell domestic labor disturbances. in 1877 federal troops had repressed strikes, riots, and demonstrations arising from that year’s railroad labor conflicts. fifteen years later federal soldiers went into northern idaho to break a miner’s strike ( that would be a protracted guerilla war around federal silver mines near coeur d’alene…they don’t teach labor history from a labor perspective in public schools…workers are always the disrupters of the system hard working capital is trying to build ), and , despite opposition from governor john peter altgeld, president grover cleveland dispatched federal troops to the chicago area to crush the american railway union’s Pullman boycott ( they were in gary Indiana during the 1919 steel strike as well for those of you from the calumet region ). when the occasion demanded, federal authorities could always justify the employment of troops to preserve the domestic peace. world war one seemed such an occasion…not entirely by coincidence, the first railroads and utilities so protected were in montana and washington state, states furthest removed from the area of german espionage and closet to the scene of iww activity…despite the restoration of apparent stability the troops remained on duty from 1917 to 1919, and in butte until 1920. they had proved so effective in preserving the peace that western governors, united states attorneys, and local employers hated to see them withdrawn.” [we shall be all pp.229-231 ] much for neutrality…the great depression changed things a bit…mostly because hard times drove labor to develop more effective tactics…such as the sit-down strike…workers occupied the means of production and so exerted some control over negotiations…come to an agreement and you can have your plant back…that had to stop so the wagner act of 1935 formally recognized the right of unions to exist ( and unfortunately for workers the courts interpreted it as guaranteeing the rights of unions, not workers, and so the conflict between rank and file and union leadership imposed itself on the adversarial relationship with management…war on two fronts )…it also brought them “into the system”…liable to regulation by the department of labor, the national labor relations board, administrative law judges…and one of the first regulation was a ban on sit-down strikes…you could strike but you had to do so from outside and leave room for the scabs inside…this also left labor relying on legislators to give them an equal voice in the process…political rhetoric and political actions are nearly mutually exclusive…some “friends of labor” proved unreliable…particularly after world war two when congress began to chip away at the legislation from the thirties…taft-hartley in 1947…landrum-griffin in 1959…tightened regulations on unions and made union certification elections more difficult to win…and the decline continued through carter’s deregulating of the trucking and airline industries and reagan busted patco setting the stage for another almost forty year decline as industrial jobs fled offshore and “right to work” laws targeting unions proliferated...on the eve of the holiday, trump has moved to freeze the wages of federal workers as work related issues facing teachers and other public workers worsen as well……the prognosis does not seem good…aggressive capital wants all the money they can extract and government is almost wholly on their side…by all means vote in november…vote your conscience…i am not sanguine about finding candidates worth voting for...even the ones who might be are sure to face a system that in inimical to change…a blue wave there may be and that may change the tone of the rhetoric…undoing what has been done is an entirely different matter…it did not begin with the current administration…it is a cumulative process that spans decades of an overt, concerted corporate agenda aimed at weakening the voice of working people concerning, not just the terms and conditions with which they work, but the general drift ( concerted as it may be there is an element of the haphazard about it…the elite are both united and divided by their greed…what’s good for one may be good for the others…but they still have to share an ultimately finite wealth…there is dissent…more drift than course…i wouldn’t take that dissent as an opening for change however…threaten them with substantive change from below and they close ranks…look back at those federal troops in montana, idaho, chicago and gary…look at the late 60s and early 70s…”can’t happen here?”…already has ) of the society…how we live and towards what goal we destroy the environment and hence ourselves…equitable distribution, or upward redistribut

Sunday, August 19, 2018

keeping your fashion sense up to date

the new york times has been running some articles of late concerning the rising cost of newsprint, brought on by der furhair's trade war that has engendered counter tariffs from canada which is, seemingly, the world's prime source for newsprint as they clear-cut forests to keep the pressed rolling...
despite skyrocketing costs the times today has sent me a sunday paper that weighs in at more then two and a half pounds ( eventually this sort of thing has to impact my subscription rates...there may be a parting of the ways soon enough )...not a record...wait til the holiday season for the true whoppers...
almost half of the paper's weight ( one pound three and one eighth ounces ) was provided by this fashionista extravaganza...the fall "women's fashion" issue of "t magazine"...advertising rates have gone up a few thousand dollars a page since i last explored this howler...the price one pays to keep the public informed of important new fashion trends...two hundred and twenty-four pages packed with glossy ads and glib articles informing me of what should be worn...smeared on the face...accessorized with...sat on...slept on...eaten off of while being seated at what sort of table...where to to get there..and slyly disguised pointers on how i should experience and describe my wonderful things and experiences to others..what would we do without these people?
"poor cat" is a misnomer...nothing in this magazine is cheap...that peace symbol pendant can cost up to nine hundred bucks depending on what material it is made from...the sun,moon, and star is three hundred and ninety..the cheap clover is one sixty but can cost up to almost two grand in gold with a diamond...the personalized tags and padlocks are have to text , email, or call for "a personal shopping experience"...if you have to ask you cannot afford it..and that is just one page of this encyclopedia of could bankrupt someone by purchasing everything in this sartorial tome...
i am not here to disparage any of these fine products or their producers...or to discourage anyone from decking themselves out in , say, this stylistic splendor form page one hundred and seventy-six ( be honest...would you actually wear this in public? just asking )...pursue your life ans style as you see fit and consume what you like...the system depends on your continued cooperation in this..what i am here to say is that the new york times has been, is, and will continue to be the unflinching mouthpiece for an east coast elite despite its shrill protestations to the opposite...they loathe trump and with good cause...unfortunately that infers a loathing for a good part of the greater public as all elite media outlets they are profoundly frightened by overt manifestations of the political will of the people..because they are frightened of the populist rejection of the elite...that disaffected elements off the population have fixated on a member of the elite as some sort of panacea for their troubles is inexplicable to me...duped into trying to "stick it to the man" through the agency of a kleptocrat whose cadre is taking anything not nailed down...with the collusion of congress no less..the times understands subverting the political will of the polity and endorses it...the just don't like the current leadership..the system isn't their all this i forgot to mention that at $109215 for a color page ( all the ads are full page ) and $74890 for black and white the magazine brought $13,711,160 in revenue to the n y times....the real reason for it.