Monday, May 23, 2016


this came in the mail today...along with one for every other registered voter in the house...we all voted earlier this month in the primary...we all showed our ids that are compliant with government standards,,,in so doing we affirmed our residence and our right to be on the voter rolls as legitimately registered why send this? did i move in three weeks? i could have...but i did this miserable state on the verge of a purge of the voter rolls? given the perfidy of the whores downstate i would not be surprised...i wouldn't be surprised to find the whole fucking county had been purged...we are not loved...that's okay...they are roundly loathed here as well..look who carried the state in the republican they would do would surprise me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

fortress architecture

"but in a computer driven, knowledge-based world economy, educated americans may have more in common with ( and, ultimately, loyalty to ) their highly educated friends and counterparts in europe, latin america, and asia than they do with their less educated fellow americans a few miles away...'foreign' might eventually more than a fading memory of a time when cultures ( and nations ) were distinct and colorful, as on today's map, rather than the free floating aggregations they will have become at the upper end of the world economic spectrum and the unpromising sludge they will become at the bottom." robert d. kaplan. an empire wilderness:travels into america's future._______________a kulturkampf between the "highly educated" and the "unpromising sludge" that is certainly apparent in the 2016 presidential zoo parade...the populist volk who see themselves being left behind ( the volk are demonized as a rabble however, despite elite distortions they are not stupid...only poorly educated [ or indoctrinated if you prefer]..we will be getting to that shortly ) and the "rootless cosmopolitan" elite who are actually rooted in urban in high rise luxury ridden condos that isolate them from the mob...migrating between european and asian pods electronically as well as physically..and some may be "highly educated"..there may still be elite private universities that specialize in turning out the future ruling oligarchical cadres...but mass education in state universities has taken a turn for the so my experience state schools have dumbed down the syllabus, begun replacing permanent faculty with adjuncts, opened an "office of retention" to keep enrollment up, and gone into the debt creating business..more misery for the "unpromising"...control through as the gap between the "volk" and the "cosmopolitans widens the latter flee to the safety of the fortress architecture of gated communities and high rise condos in urban and suburban pods...kaplan should not be so quick to sound the demise of culture though...even if a billionaire has persuaded some of the volk that he is not the problem and the debt saddled youth migrate towards a political insider with a leftist cachet that disguises a quarter century among the whores there are still distinct cultures on the continent..with clear geographic boundaries and social mores...adaptation to local environments..and a marked distrust of "outsiders" be they "volk" or "cosmopolitan"..the weakness of the system is that one of these bozos has to be elected...there cannot be a vote of "no confidence"...and they will achieve that by widening and deepening the gap, not bridging it...eventually the distinct cultures will find their ties to the idea of some illusory central "americanism" a detriment..they will go their own way.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

and a thousand slimy things lived on, and so did i...

“mccarthy was a master of ‘framing’, the technique of gaining control of a complex and possibly threatening situation by means of a few turns of phrase, reducing it to a simple and attractive falsehood. the reporters loved him. every day he furnished them with news and easily manageable quotations, and they swallowed everything, even when they knew better,’mccarthy was a dream story,’ one of them recalled later, ‘i wasn’t off page one for four years.’” geert mak. “in america: travels with john steinbeck”_____________ ___ how familiar does this sound to you? in a political season that has seen the zoo parade of freaks and geeks coming out of what was once the party of lincoln that reinvented itself as the party of the elite run through a sausage grinder of puerile schoolyard innuendo and sullen invective the front runner fits the prototype pioneered by “tail gunner joe “…and the stenographers posing as an “independent press” have availed themselves of the same cheap and easy headlines…to their benefit and the detriment of us all… if you bother to mine this blog you will find i have never been a particular fan of the political punditry or the whores they cover and, so far, the 2016 circus has done nothing but vindicate that stance…the fourth estate has always been part of a corporate system that sold a product…mencken be damned…they work for corporate entities that have editorial boards, mostly comprised of advertisers…they have a vested interest in distortion and dissembling…from tawdry coverage about genitalia and venereal disease to the eating habits of john kasich this campaign coverage has set a tone that the national enquirer would find questionable…even jerry springer…and it goes on because what these clowns say sells news…and the candidates will continue to wallow in this behavioral sump because ink is ink…and the media will be obliging...i have voted in every presidential election since nixon stomped mcgovern flat in ’72…and every one of them has been a negative choice…the stench rising from this particular round is so overpowering i am not sure what the outcome will be…are there enough hate filled people to elect trump to the presidency? many i know say “impossible”…i am not convinced…the options emanating from the other side are the unelectable versus the oligarch…the choice is unpalatable…..either way the interests of the “people” are subverted in favor of the elite ( this is, of course the crux of the system…it was designed to neutralize the “interested and overbearing majority”[madiosn…federalist X ] was, however, never intended to be such a blatant disenfranchisement, it was intended to seem as if the “will of the people” mattered...something is amiss with the 227 year old wiring…perhaps money has caused a short )…i voted yesterday…i will hold my nose and vote again in november…i have never been sanguine about the outcome of elections…politicians are whores…journalists are either hired propagandists or lazy bastards…joseph shumpeter was correct…elections are not about the “common good”.