Monday, September 27, 2021

how do you define relevancy?

"send me some cytherian cheese so that if i wish to have a feast i may have the means."
the "design & luxury" edition of the new york times style magazine arrived yesterday...above anything else they publish this magazine puts the lie to their contention that they are non-elitist...i have been perusing it and wondering if anyone naturally aspires to this sort of thing or if it is engineered...and, in the end, finding most of its contents irrelevant to my existence because i do not...
i am certain it is the "studio" residence ( not "apartment" or "condominium" ) that is $1,800,000 and that the "penthouse" is somewhere in the tens of millions... the fine print at the bottom says the "waldorf astoria" name could be pulled at any much for the permanence of status...
not to worry however, if the name gets yanked youcan always go to your less expensive second home...
where you can get hammered...
because you are terrified of growing old...because we all know you can't take it with you and what's life without designed luxury and the status it confers?
there are photos of couture here as well...there always are...however, since this is the "luxury" edition i cannot give you a total cost...the clothing is virtually all listed as "price on request" ( "if you have to ask you can't afford it" )...still...striking design...
the last photo is from an ad for the furinitue displayed...the photo begs the question, "what is luxurious about someone in ludicrous couture ripping up my books?

Sunday, September 12, 2021

kulturkampf style

the kulturkampf is determined to become more divisive and supposes this can be accepted a priori...and the media will play its part and here's an interesting line of evidence that the media provide a product, not information...
the shrilly trumpist fox news network is asking about who is vaccinated and who isn't...they are a corporate entity in business to make money and they do so by pandering to the world-view of a subclass of americans...their public face is still privately subject to some regulation and if the staff is ill you can't run a crypto-fascist organization...a bit of conflict hopes it might be illuminating for has one's doubts...and in the crypto-fascist vein...
the covid state and its dimwit governor ( and, seemingly, damnfool judiciary ) want me to pay a visit...i believe i will take a pass...pound some daytona sand desantis...meanwhile in the product world, it is beginning to look like the advent of the"false and commercial festival" least in the new york times...
rochebobois ( from paris! land of sartre! ) is offering me furniture "made in europe" ( where exactly is unclear...perhaps from the economically desperate south east...sweat shops happen everywhere ) at steep discounts...economies struggle more than the theologians of greed would care to admit...
and over at the new york times style magazine "mens fashion issue" not only does the wit and wisdom of francis fukayama live on...
at long last a stylist at hermes ( veronique nichanian ) has discovered what it is a man wants...imagine my relief at finally being classified ( and next to a photo of $9305 worth of "mens fashion" )...
in terms of "what a man wants", dolce and gabbana must be joking...or someone has seriously slipped a pulley...either way we have come to my taking yet another pass...thanks anyway...
and to close out this screed, $12680 worth of "mens fashion" someone else can wear.