Monday, February 29, 2016

an elite perception of work

i have been perusing the new york times sunday magazine "work issue"...a weakness, i know...but i am always interested in what the elite thinks and i have a difficult time thinking any periodical as elitist as the nyt magazine...trump hates them...he has called them, among other things in tweets, "incompetent", "dopes", "poorly run", and maintained, "allows dishonest writers to fabricate stories"...i know...the times published a slew of his tweets a few weeks back...don is a hater and unfit to be a small town code inspector, much less president...he thinks libel laws should be patterned after some arcane and byzantine system akin to what the brits labored under for years...he thinks the times should be sued...primarily, i believe, because the times has labeled him what the "uneducated" he so loves would call an asshole...may be true in don's case...and someone should hip him to what happened to mussolini...pompous blowhards are ultimately very unpopular...however i am digressing from the between ads for $50 million condominiums designed by zaha hadid ( the cheap rat holes go for $4,895,000...steerage among the elite ) and $10,000 sofas there are articles about what the times perceives as "work"..about how to build a better "focus group" or why meetings are so horrible, or the travails of diversifying the workplace...and how people are being replaced by robotics...or the demise of "lunch" as people eat at their desks because a "lunch break" wastes valuable corporate time...all valid points i imagine...some work must get done in offices...but in all that there in virtually no mention of what most people would call work ( well...there is an article about janitors...the people who clean up after the people who do the "real" work...a tossed bone...or,perhaps, the only "workers" the office folk come into close contact with )...but no mention of transport...or construction...or retail..or fast food..or manufacturing..or heavy industry...all of which, presumably, the stuff that goes on in offices is actually related to...or are offices like the stock market? utterly detached from reality of most of daily life? going by what the times focuses on as "work" i'd have to think so...or...just maybe...the times has a distorted vision...crawled up its own ass and died...i find don loathsome...but i may have to grant him some valid points about the the way...the design director said she wanted the "work issue"..." to have "the feel of a corporate manual " what a giveaway........and as a post-script...there should be a special place in hell for madeleine albright...probably condi rice and fucking henry kissinger too...fuck these people.

Monday, February 15, 2016


“with the political press is bound up the need of universal school education, which in the classical world was completely lacking…in this demand there is an element of desiring to shepherd the masses, as the objects of party politics, into the newspaper’s power area…no tamer has his animals more under his power…unleash the people as a reader-mass and it will storm through the streets and hurl itself upon the target indicated, terrifying and breaking windows; a hint of press-staff and it will become quiet and go home…the press today is an army with carefully organized arms and branches, with journalists as officers, and readers as soldiers…the reader neither knows or is allowed to know, the purposes for which he is used, nor even the role that he is to play…a more appalling caricature of freedom of thought cannot be imagined…formerly a man did not dare think freely, now he dares and cannot…the competitors strive by means of money to detach readers…nay, peoples, en masse from the hostile allegiance and bring them under their own mind-training…a higher will put together a picture of their world for them…there is no need now, as there was for baroque princes, to impose military service liability on the subject…one whips their souls with articles, telegrams, and pictures until they clamor for weapons and force their leaders into a conflict to which they were willed to be forced.” Oswald Spengler. “decline of the west”_________________________________________ sometimes ozzie's writing is so impenetrable i have to wonder if i am just dense or if he is shamming...then again sometimes he knocks me out of my chair...the idea of universal public education as a method of indoctrinating citizens into the world-view of the hegemonic culture and teaching children to stay in one place for eight or more hours ( we are evolved as nomads after all...walking is life ) is a familiar theme...that it is a mechanism to educate the masses to the reception of the tools of manipulation is, for me, strikingly new...( and spengler was writing at a time when newspapers were still the main mass medium...commercial radio wasn't around yet, much less television...films were, however, and i am wondering if the rise of the "visual learner" coincided with the rise of the first visual mass medium )...certainly humans are social animals who have an innate desire to belong...vangardists seize on this and "detach" the masses from previously held identities and being them "under their own mind training"....and the sense of "belonging" to a group can be manipulated into an intense hatred and fear which can translate into mob action against "the other"...anyone not "of the body" which is conveniently defined by mass media...the current zoo parade of a presidential campaign certainly falls into the category of manipulation of fear...and frightened people do extreme and ugly things...this is the fourteenth presidential campaign in my life and the eleventh of which i was ( and am) politically aware enough to draw conclusions...and those conclusions are that 1) there is a concerted effort to manipulate us through fear by virtually every candidate out there...even bernie, who may simply be using it to contrast himself with the others, and, 2) that effort is being aided and abetted by mass media who, as for profit corporate concerns as interested in their bottom lines as disseminating anything like factual information, are giving free reign to this bullshit because it is lurid, cheap, easy news and serves the purposes of a "higher will" rather than anything like even representative democracy...hamilton's governmental ponzi scheme grinds on...i'm not sure even he would be comfortable with this