Wednesday, July 13, 2016

highe and eminent in power and dignitie

“the leaders of Jamestown borrowed directly from the roman model of slavery: abandoned children and debtors were made slaves.”_________ “in ‘a model of Christian charity’, Winthrop declared that some were meant to rule, others to serve their betters: ’god almightie in his most holy and wise providence hath soe disposed the condition of mankind, as in all times some must be rich some poore, some highe and eminent in power and dignitie; others meane and in subjection.’ lest there be any doubt, governor Winthrop despised democracy, which he brusquely labeled “the meanest and worst of all forms of government.’ for puritans, the church and state worked in tandem; the coercive arm of the magistracy was meant to preserve both public order and class distinctions.” nancy Isenberg. ..”white trash: the 400-year old untold history of class in America.”__________________________ ___ “if shays had not been as desperate debtor, it is much to be doubted whether massachucetts would have been plunged into civil war.” “that damned ass hamilton” federalist VI ___________ “complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith and of public and personal liberty, that our governments are too unstable, that the public good id disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties, and that measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force an interested and overbearing majority.” madison . federalist X_________________________________________________ ___ politics here has always had a puritanical edge to it…while the framers may not have directly come out and said that god said so, they agreed with Winthrop about the desirability of limiting anything that resembled an expression of popular political will…when madison talks about protecting the “minor party” from an “interested and overbearing majority” he isn’t trying to protect those with a small political voice…he is working towards subverting popular political will and so protecting the “highe and eminent in power and dignitie”…the elite…shays wasn’t so much a “desperate debtor” as a revolutionary war veteran ( a captain in the 5th massachucetts regiment ) with a “rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts ( actually burdensome property taxes ), for an equal division of property…”[madison federalist X] which madison calls “improper” and “wicked” projects…because they are the result of an “overbearing majority” infringing on “the minor party…the origins of class here stretch back a long way and the “classless” state of america is a fiction foisted on us by high school civics...high school was over long ago…I would never vote for donald trump…he is divisive, racist, and pretty much a jerk...i want that clear…it is instructive , however, to see how the republican elite ( the standard bearers of class warfare in the united states ) squirm when faced with what is , in the end, an expression of popular will by an “interested and overbearing majority” of putative republican hoi polloi voters…it will be instructive to see how the looming convention plays out as well...this all stands in direct opposition to the well-ordered system the framers of the constitution envisioned…trump is of the elite…his supporters are not…the doyens and doges in the republican party are not pleased…it is un-american…we could discuss the equally thick slime on the other side of this zoo parade…but I believe that can wait for a bit…necessary though it is.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

engineered anxiety

"all you have to do is create enough anxiety. then you have your market."_______heard this morning on bbc radio on the way to work.________on some level we all know that this is how advertising works ( although it isn't usually stated so blatantly...but the interviewee was talking about creating markets in the third world...and it is britain...old empires and imperial attitudes die hard )...we are all being manipulated...the consumerist utopia runs on engineered fears...status anxiety...fears of being left behind...of not having enough...primal ,evolutionary fears born out of an uncertain foraging past...if i don't get enough to eat i will die and my chances of finding enough are better with a group..more eyes...more ground covered..but if i'm not eating that status food ( nasturtium garnish for my salad? eating like inca royalty ) am i just surviving and not living? if i don't catch that raise or buy that bmw am i left longer of the group..a colorless existence...a greyscale of going through the motions of living? i would say life looks like it's in color to, knowing this, what kind of rational response can i frame? turning of the television for a start...this may be sacrilege to some...especially to advertisers and those who make a living from the medium...and on some levels it removes me form the group as i cannot follow the debates and discussions about what was "on" last night...but it does free me from the utopia's prime manipulating instrument ( television not manipulative? beyond the commercials just watch the "news" sometime..objective reporting, never very healthy, seems to be dead...we are being propagandized, not informed )..i need some basic understanding of events so by using a few newspapers ( i can ignore print ads [unless i am trying to gauge the ny times advertising revenue that day ] television commercials are imbeded in the information in a more unavoidable way ) and a selection of on line sites buttressed by information gleaned from books covering subjects with broader and deeper scope than any half hour of "news" could hope to approach i can ferret out something that resembles reality ( remembering that causality i so complex that no one has more than a general idea of what is actually going on...they may try to convince me they do but they cannot ) imperfect that relies on some second-hand information and mu own limited cognitive abilities but relatively freer of the biases the consumerist utopia wants me to have..i have left television behind since the fire...john prine was correct.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

just being human?

“we are better than this.” Barry Obama in a “white house email” I seem to be doomed to get in perpetuity._____ “…]this]illustrates a general truth: the ultimate aim of the communist system was the transformation of human nature, it was an idea shared by the other so-called totalitarian regimes of the inter-war period. This, after all, was an age of utopian optimism in the potential to change human life, and, paradoxically at the same time, an age of profound doubt and uncertainty about the value of human life itself in the wake of the destruction of the first world war.” Orlando figes. “a people’s tragedy: the Russian revolution 1891-1924”_____ “skinner was a staunch blank-slater and a passionate utopian. His uncommonly pure vision allows us to examine the implications of the ‘optimistic” denial of human nature. Given his premise that undesirable behavior is not in the genes, but a product of the environment, it follows that we should control that environment…why are most people repelled by this vision? Critics of skinners “beyond freedom and dignity” pointed out that no one doubts human behavior can be controlled: putting a gun to someone’s head or threatening him with torture are time honored techniques. Even skinner’s preferred method of operant conditioning required starving the organism to 80 percent of its free-feeding weight and confining it to a box where schedules of reinforcement were carefully controlled. The issue is not whether we can change human behavior, but at what cost” Steven pinker “the blank slate: the modern denial of human nature.”_____ “we are addicted to tribal conflict, which is harmless and entertaining if sublimated into team sports, but deadly when expressed as real-world ethnic, religious, and ideological struggles.” e.o. Wilson, “the meaning of human existence”_____ what if we’re not barry? What if what we are is human and what if there is a human nature ringed with violence? There have been a multiplicity of schemes to change humans from the above mentioned skinner and the bolsheviki…and it doesn’t stop there…the webbs and Frederick taylor wanted to rationalize human work…hippies and other communalists were all about changing views on the individual…partnership for a drug free America wants us all to be clean and sober ( oh how I hate “special vocabularies” they mystify the uninitiated and frame debates…they seek to limit not expand thought )…no end of religious utopianism…ghandi…mormons…the branch dravidians….the pope…all sorts of religiosity that just can’t seem to get handle on things…religion is a product of human nature…not a cure for it…gropup-think as a norm…so what if much of the violence in life actually stem from elite social manipulation in their own interests…what if policy is driving this divisiveness…the politicians from the cretinous trump to the corrupt Clinton to the insider posing as populist sanders will tell you it isn’t…a fair sign it has at least something to do with it…none of them are what the purport to be and they all lie...and, while we are being iconoclastic…how much violence in this country is committed by military and former military personnel who are sucked into police forces and militias after their term of service? They are trained to be violent...and it seems that is difficult to be unlearned…the government certainly doesn’t teach it …No one seems interested in finding out…and as a last kicker...if texas wants to go, let them…the empire can’t dissolve quickly enough….we may never live entirely at peace with one another…Wilson is correct…we are tribal by nature and no matter how politely we phrase it we always think “our” group is a little better…how we define ourselves…and the “other”