Wednesday, September 30, 2020


“I went to an Ivy League school,” Trump said at an October campaign rally in St. Augustine. “I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words.” that's a quote attributed to donny i found in the palm beach times...
in the same atricle it states that the "ivy league' school was the wharton school of finance at the university of pennsylvania and there was a link to the school... since donny told joe never to talk to him about "smart" yesterday evening i followed the link thinking i'd find a summa cum laude affixed at the end of donny's bs degree...clicking on the link i found...
a missing page instead...huh...memory hole again...mutability of history we will never know what donny's gpa was...doesn't's obvious.

Friday, September 25, 2020

after the republic

we all know this clown is going to jail if he loses in does he..."president for life" is his aim and a goal his core support from the ss in waiting agrees...i do not...i am not a particular fan of the constitution...a document written by an elite for an elite that limits input from the "voice of the people"...given the populist nature of this bozo they may have had more wisdom than i am inclined to credit them with...still...i am not prepared to see the fundamental law of the nation usurped by this doofus...i am old...i am of a generation that saw its activism engendered by civil rrights and a gruesome and wholly bone-headed war in southeast asia justified by the theorizing of ivy leauge lunkheads...i am prepareed to take to the streets again over should you be...go vote first...let the streets wait until after that.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

so as never to err

“we should always be prepared, so as never to err to believe that which I see as white is black, if the hierarchie church defines it thus.” ignatius loyola spiritual exercises “2 + 2 = 5” george orwell so why deny the empirical ( for that “we” you should read “you ) and take a stroll with the eleatics? a fair place to start is by pointing out that loyola is part of that “hierarchie church”…founder of the jesuits and someone with an agenda of defining and defending the church perception of what the final end of humanity is…a teleology that allows the church to take your existence out of the here and now and place it in some future eternity accessed through the church…belief based on loyola’s ( and so the “hierachie” ) assessment of what constitutes error with no room for heretical dissent or independent thought…the website i found the text on ( ignatianspirituality ) carries the caveat “ the spiritual exercises were not meant to be read by an individual but rather led by a retreat director”…a properly “trained” ( read indoctrinated ) representative of the church commissarat to prevent anyone making an erroneous judgement that may lead to a dissent from accepted dogma…”Priests are responsible for the education of children and adolescents, in which quite as much stress is laid on moral as on academic training. They do their utmost to ensure that while children are still at an impressionable age they’re given the right ideas about things, the sort of ideas calculated to preserve the structure of society. If thoroughly absorbed in childhood, these ideas will persist throughout adult life and so contribute greatly to the safety of the state, which is never seriously threatened except by moral defect arising from wrong ideas.” thomas more, utopia p.105 penguin classics edition…tom more and loyola were contemporaries…utopia was written in 1516 ( the spiritual exercises 1522-24 ) and it is possible, if not probable, that they may have heard of/read one another…that passage reflects the alleged ( there is much dispute ) jesuit maxim “give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man”…both highlight the role of the church in sustaining hegemonic culture…despite being a saint, more was not a churchman…he was, however, deep in the hierarchy of the hegemonic culture of tudor england…he became a member of parliament for london in 1510…and was also named under-sheriff of London the same year…he became councillor attendant to henry VIII in 1517…under-secretary of the exchequer in1521…speaker of the house of commons in 1523…and lord chancellor in 1529…all of which shows the danger of being close to power rather than wielding it since more was beheaded in 1535 mostly for refusing to recognize anne boleyn’s children as henry’s true successors… theories of control are well aged…and doubtlessly extend back beyond loyola’s refinements and what i would perceive as more’s satire…not everyone sees it so...both the church and the bolsheviks claimed more...the church canonized more and loyola and more was commemorate on an obelisk by the soviets…the church and the soviets both admired more’s utopia because it placed life in the public sphere…everything from eating to recreation was to take place in public under the eyes of authority and subject to peer pressure…subordinating private thought to that of the group ( groupthink…along with 2=2 + 5 orwell went a long way in illuminating the processes ) and private loyalties to church or state…nothing in more, if taken a s a serious plan for social interaction, that loyola would object to…both would be comfortable with the church as an indoctrinating mechanism ensuring popular subservience to the established order…adventures in utopian sameness have been embarked on any number of times in the recent past…we seem about to board yet another one if donny and his minions have their way…they are deluded…these things never work…they fail…admittedly after millions of “the other” perish from the single-minded bigotry of the perpetrators…but they fail because they miss the point that the resilience ( so far…that is going to be severely stressed soon enough by forces that cannot be resisted by bellowing hubris or ar-15s ) of the human species rests exactly in its diversity…homogeneity is death…they will encounter resistance and no one knows exactly where that will lead…not even mcconnell and the rest of the whores in congress…buckle up…”interesting” hasn’t happened just yet.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

what does "non-zero' mean?

the new york times asks me if my state is facing an election day "meltdown" and presents several scenarios...they are 1. difficult registration process...2. in-person voting only...3. issues with expanded mail-in voting...4.long lines stemming from required in-person voting...5. susceptibility to voting machine hacking...6. expanded fraud in "toss-up states"...they say there are seven...however there is some confusion since ones like 2 and 4 seem tautologous and their first category is something of an i'd call it 6...still...a reasonable list...i live in a state that requires in-person voting...okay...put on a mask and vote and, if possible, vote early...that is what i did in the last general election ( in the last primary i went to the one was in was a primary )...that would seem a fair response...i believe early voting starts next month and i will pursue that...mail-in voting will be a clusterfuck of accusations, recriminations, and lawsuits on november fourth...and the ones in court now probably won;t be decided by then either...a swollen docket..delays...back room deals...theft...( remember lbj and ballot box 13 )
theft is a grand american political tradition...this election will not be immune..."toss-up state"? not where i live...this state will go trumpy and no one will bother to run campaign ads one will think about it...they will all assume ( correctly ) that the fix is in and move on and they will be vindicated...since electoral votes ( yes the electoral college will still elect the president no matter how much editorial and political whining there is about it ) are "winner take all" instead of proportionate i will effectively be disenfranchised for this presidential election much like two thirds of the ones that i have voted in before...this is not democracy folks...and it never has been...buckle up...none of this is ending on november third.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

they all have the fear

that there are more journalists than politicians whose company i could tolerate is a given since i have not met a politician whose hand i would willingly shake journalist could tip the scales...studs terkel comes to mind as a template of a decent journalist...he could tell a good story too...still...the media are full of trash for the most part and the larger the audience the deeper the agenda and the more blatant the misdirection...
over at the times ( new york to begin with...there are other "times"...they have their issues as well ) today fear is on the it seems to be most days any more...
they have the inside story on why the republicans want the suburbs to live in fear...
and they have the seven clear and present election day nightmares that make that steven king guy look like mickey mouse...
and if that weren't enough, something that was institutionalized in the basic law of the land is suddenly gnawing away at the entrails of our democracy...well...that "democracy" is an allegation that has yet to be proved and it is clear that the op-ed pundits at the times haven't taken the time to read any john locke or even peruse the "fundamental constitutions of carolina" he penned in 1669...there is a reason madison and co. latched on to locke as a political guru and that reason is the direct and sustained limitation of the "will of the people" to a level where it can be easily manipulated by the elite...the electoral college is a bulwark against anyone inimical to the interests of wealth becoming the "chief magistrate" and you will play hell getting rid of it...fear is the zeitgeist at the times...
the post says "democracy dies in darkness"...i am not convinced it ever existed here, but that doesn't preclude its dying dead in broad daylight...withered like a snake in a brush fire...
they are genuinely worried about "the system" whatever you'd care to call it...perhaps not as shrill as the times...but as ardent in their loathing of trumpy...
and it seems that a few voters in georgia...
took the self-absorbed adolescent seriously...of course it could all have been an error on the part of a bureaucrat too...we don't have all the details yet...
the l a times seems too preoccupied with wild fires and sports to have time to fearmonger...or maybe i just caught them on an off day...for a buck i could spend the next eight weeks following the drama of the negotiations for the clippers "new home"...i have enough on my plate as it is though...i will have to pass up this deal...
the agitprop over at fox goes on...the only seeming good news is the markets are the moment anyway...
amidst all the denunciations ( they come off as rather stalinist over there in terms of assumed guilt ) and recriminations i found this bit of absurdist theater...well...if barry and that stuffed shirt gore could get one why not trumpy? fair is fair...but one supposes the nobel committee might choke on this one...
and while the subject of absurdist ( if not dada ) theater is open to discussion let's not leave out the hooha over kammy's isn't just fear that's driving this campaign...but there isn't a real issue in sight...misdirection and distortion of the real can take many forms...meanwhile...
let the migrations begin...internal and external.