Friday, July 30, 2021

go gmo ( the times says so )

"you never know what is enough unless you know waht is more than enough"-william blake_______________
i cannot dispute that this gmo tomato has twice the anti-oxidants of ( one supposes ) a comperable volume of blueberries...and i cannot dispute the value of anti-oxidants...up to a a point...they would seem to be a pharmakon to some degree...materials from harvard health and the national center for complemantary and integrative health tell me that large doses of anti-oxidant suplements can exacerbate lung cancer in smokers as well as prostate cancer and a type of might have benefited cancer prone mice...humans aren't mice...vitamin c and vitamin e, as well as green tea, all contain question ( which i have not found an answer to yet ) is at what point does the body slough off anti-oxidants in the same way it sloughs off vitamins it cannot use and i can assure you that my body is adept at sloughing off green tea when i drink it ( which is regularly ) is there an actual point to increasing anti-oxidants by splicing genes from snap dragons into a tomato? humans have been monkeying around with plant genetics for thousands of years by cross breeding plants...could you cross breed a tomato and a snap dragon using just their pollen? my skepticism is aroused here...crossing varies of tomatoes or maize or beans utilizing just their pollen and stamens i will buy...i am willing to wager it dosen't always work either...monsanto splicing in genes from who knows where to make their dense yellow #2 resistant to herbicide ( and that corn ends up in all sorts of processed foods in the supermarket ) is not in the same category in my estimation...this tomato isn't either...jenifer kohn may not be shilling for monsanto...she is shilling for the wholly unnatural...i will be sticking to heirloom seed.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

in the pipeline

this was on the unop-ed page ( they retired the phrase op-ed a while one noticed ) of the new york times today...
ostensibly about a book by mathias malm titled "how to blow up a pipeline" which would seem to be a manifesto ( which no one has in stock so i have not read it just yet ) calling for the environmrentalist movement to be more should steer mr. malm towards say albert camus or milovan djilas for an assessment of where revolution ( what mr. klein seems to be infering mr. malm is calling for )...leads...mostly it begets napoleons and lenins and stalins and massacres and holodomors at worst...and james "his littlenes" madison and "that damned ass hamilton" at its most benign ( and one should have a thought about how the government " by and for the people" was disposed to deal with the indigenous population...even benign revolutions have their mnassacres...utopia is always just one execution away )...beyond that mr.malm is playing into the hands of those conservatives who have been trying to make "eco-terrorism" a real thing to suppress violently by connecting the anti-technologism of that nazi ( he never recanted...was simply pissed because he did not become the intellectual leader of the third reich and so took his marbles [what there were of them] and went back to his hut in the black forest ) martin heidegger ( and his stooge sartre ) with liberal ecologists...the liberal left as nazis...dear to the neo-con heart as a to mr. kelin's title for his piece, how does that seem odd? humans are not nearly as bright as the think they are...short attention span...shorter political to suggestion if not outright operant conditoning...thoroughly branded and divided agiaist themselves by hegemonic culture...creatures of habit condition by media to consume...
a mantra espoused by retail from brick and mortar to ecommerce...and where does all this stuff come from and how does it get here...well...those fossil fuels mr. malm os on about ( so the reviews say...again i have not read it yet...views may change )...two sides of the same coin, just one form of consumption supporting another? seems likely...a positive feedback addicted to oil or addicted to stuff? your call, however is it an addiction? a question i have been asking myself of late is "if there's no self-destructive bahvior involved is it an addiction?" certainly my view is that the species is kiling itself through habitual behaviors...acting without thinking...and i have been thinking...if i do find someone with this book in stock and i order it and have it delivered to may door how much am i contributing to species death? how much has mr. malm contributed by writing such a hot topic book that is flying off the shelves from powell's books to amazon? i am not innocent of consumption...i get to be human too...sometimes i wonder exactly what it is i think i am doing and if it matches reality in any way...maybe part of the time...and as it stands i think i may leave mr. malm's book on the shelf...that many fewer book-miles.