Monday, December 30, 2024

another post that would have offended the facebook arbiters of the acceptable

today's mail was fairly nondescript in anyone's assessment ( and, particularly, mine ) did, however, contain one piece of junk mail that held some interest on a number of levels...
first of all it is a brazen invitation to usurp the letter of the law of this godforsaken state ruled from downstate by a legislature with a supermajority of trumpist, bible thumping, covertly racisit, and homophobic atavistic relics from the ninteenth century ( at the very latest ) who would never undermine the whiskey lobby in the state capital by legalizing marijuana sale...and, even more to the point, indivdual recreational use...sloppy drunk was good enough for garandpa and by god it's good enough for them as well...right and true recreation for all decent citizens...marijuana is simply a tool of subversive elements used to corrupt youth and, much like socrates, needs to be suppressed...secondly, any attempt on my part to post any of this on my facebook page would result in a stern warning from what are doubtlessly robotic sensors about its unacceptability on the grounds that i would be promoting something illegal ( in this behavioral sump of a state anyway...clearly a different philosophical and legal out look across the state line ) i came to this bastion of free speaach just to say "fuck these people"...which group ( or groups ) of "people" i have in mind is up to you to divine.