Friday, February 25, 2011
fear, greed, and the hierarchy of whores
the governor of indiana has called members of public sector unions a "priviliged elite" and said that the time when they needed protection from and reform of the system of goverment employment (read patronage...and then tell me that that no longer exists...bearing in mind at all times that i live in lake county indiana)...this is patent nonsense as the current neo-con/tea party/ social darwinist push to cripple unions attests...but mitch is contemplating a move up in the hierarchy of whores to the position of mouthpiece-in-chief and so needs to test the political winds and hone his ideological cant...dissembling and distorting reality to bend it to the needs of political expediency is a skill that needs constant practice and a fine feel for the pulse of public opinion...dr. goebbles understood this, and though he was inclined to an extremist viewpoint, the basics of the system he created are in wide use to this day...when he said "you cannot have good government without good propaganda" he set the tone for the post-war generation of politicians across the orwell pointed out the purpose of political argot is to give impression of substance to "pure wind" and this is substantially what we are dealing with here...dispite the pronouncements of the preening, narcissitic punditry, the reassurances of the captains of industry, and the best effort of politicians to protect their phony jobs everywhere the public perceives that the economy is still in the toilet...home values are continue to sink like a stone...the price of a barrel of oil will climb as high as specualtors can make it go ( and this, in turn, is going to play hell with the cost of food [and everything else, for that matter] which is what the current round of unrest in the middle-east is about...few lybians probably really hate moe...they just cannot feed their families and that makes even the most hard-bitten, long suffering pessimist a bit testy...people can put up with alot as long as they can eat...threaten them on that fundamental an issue and you will be flattened...just wait til the water wars start in earnest...forget oil as a geopolitical motivator) and no-one has a clue about how to stop the bleeding...fear of loss of economic privilige and all the goodies it brings is what's motivating wealth to look for reasons why and whom to blame for their uncertainties ( that their own greed and exceptionalism constitute their major problems is lost on them...denial is a powerful force in human rationalizations)...somebody has to be blamed and unions seem to be the current target...when they are castrated and it does not resolve the problems another scapegoat will be found...that will do little good either...resource depletion, greenhouse gases, climate change, spiraling food costs, political unstability...none of this is caused by unions, period. the isues are in the way we have done (and continue to do, dispite the obvious indications that it is no longer workable) business for the last two hundred and fifty years and the way we have disposed of a one-time bonanza of cheap and efficient energy that we will not see again...that is an objective fact that all the scapegoating you can stand will not obviate...times call for a fundamntal change in the way we address our realtionships with the ecosystems we are a part of and that means some people will lose the positions of wealth and power they now hold and that frightens them...they will distort information and morph into fascists to hold on...but it will not create one more barrel of oil or one more dollar of profit to do the end they will have to become more local and eco -friendly ( in real terms, not the "green" of the marketers) and give up some of what they have extorted from nature and from the rest of us...obviously it will not be an easy transition for some...
Friday, February 18, 2011
a scroll down memory hole lane
"in washington, speaker john boehner pledged his support for wisconsin's governor, a fellow budget hawk. meanwhile, mr. obabma's political arm, organizing for america, moved quckly to rally support for the state's union leaders and public workers. that, of course, has conservatives riled up, some of whom point to a white house strategy session scheduled for early march at the afl-cio headquarters in washington as evidience of its unabashed collusion with the unions."
n y times 2-18-2011
so...let me get this straight...investment bankers and wall sreet speculators play fast and loose with ethics and regulations...take enormous, basically insane risks...trash the economy...create a massive spike in unemployment plus collapsing property values, which, in turn, erodes tax bases and creates budget issues for governments everywhere around the country and all this is the fault of union represented public employees...oh fuck congress and the stinking little rat-bag governor of if the reeking clapped out whores in congress haven't sold their miserable asses to the highest bidder every day of their lousy political lives and well into their dotage as lobbyists...collusion is a way of life there...a career maker...a yardstick of good..the scum rises to the top...and you cannot attack your patrons and survive...someone else has to be's a matter of relative power...wealth can shift responsibility because wealth can control public opinion and the legal definition of blame...a scroll through the headlines in today's on-line edition of the n y times looks like something that was written by gudelines laid down in a directive form dr. goebbles ( yes he had a phd in literature...newt gingrich has one too...except i believe his is in history...draw your own conclusions) i'd puke if i had eaten anything yet it is the dry heaves are in what neo-con syndicate of plutocratic mafioso bankrolled the chesse whore's campaign? one has to wonder just how much legs the old empire has left in it as the politicians and their constiuents gear up for the struggle to see who gets to keep how much of what they have...and, of course, working people will be the first to be fucked over...the social darwinism of the rich will morph into the fascism of the doctor as they become more frightened and less sane...unions are the self-defense structures erected by workers to protect themselves from the rapacity of capital...they are non-sanctioned communal activity that does not agrandize the power or status of wealth...that is why conservative would-be slave owners hate them so...they are a self-evident target of every bone-head mouthpiece politician ( and i am thinking of the senile and malleable reagan here) and yahoo pundit ( friedman is a fucking ass) that wealth can buy...this alone makes them worth supporting...the classic propagandist ploy of blaming "the other" for your own moronic decisions and bad judgement couldn't be more apparent here...forget the lake of fire...i want a palin presidency in 2012...then the empire can put up the "going out of business" signs and we can watch the chaos as the thugs murder each other in the streets over what's left.
twenty-first century undead
"the faithful attending the beatification of pope john paul II will be able to pray before his coffin which is being exhumed for the event the vatican said friday."
reuters 2-18-2011
the undead relic of the twentieth century, lenin has competition in the world of symbols...a figurehead of a secular religion goes toe to toe with that of a spritual one...who will grab the box office lead for the elevation of a dead leader into a fetish? john paul hated communism like rand paul hates tax and spend democrats...jp2 and the gipper laid gorbachev low in the 1980's and 90's so it's only fitting that he take on the souless devil in red square...too bad the gipper and the red tsar can't join in the struggle...a heavywieight battle royale of irrelevant teleologies...can't wait to see fox news coverage.
hard cheese
7:02 a m 2-19-2011
"we weren't well-versed in everything about the bill and why they're doing what they're doing, except that we're broke as a state."
adriana inman. organizer with the fairfield tea party in southwest ohio.
knee jerk reaction is on the march and it is supported by poorly informed fools...a standard of ameican politics in the second republic and an indication to even the most obtuse that the hamiltonian system is not representative of the interests of the voter class of its citizens...of course they don't understand...if they did they'd start to ask questions, and no good can come of that...the last thing the whores anywhere and especially the repuiblican defenders of the primacy of wealth want is an informed electorate who can pick holes in the logic of arguments that palce the burdens of poor decisions based on avarice on the shouders of workers...the lap-dogs of wealth in the wisconsin legislature say that they have the votes to pass the anti-union legislation and will patiiently wait until the missing democrats reappear to pass it despite the obvious dipleasure of a significiant group of second class "constitutents" in the state....and they may be correct in that...unpopular legislation has a habit of being passed over the objections of "the people" ( and that too should be an object lesson in the efficacy of entrusting your interests to a system that buys and trades elected officials)...the union members and their supporters will still be there when the dust settles as well...they will still be part of the dialectic ( yes it is a valid concept despite attempts by what's left of the political science trade to discredit is independent of marxist ideology...a mechanism of human relations)...if they could let go of the partisan, economic issues that they represent ( remember i am an industrial member of a craft union run as a buisness so i know how these clowns think ) and embrace a strategy that will help all working people rather than just their membership, and so just their finances, then they could use their organizing skills to develop a counter movement that can do more than mount ineffectual protests that will express discontent but change nothing...tea party activists are pretty much the malleable dregs among voters who do not want to think much because it hurts...useful fools...they coud be effectively countered by a strategy that represents workers as a fact you could co-opt legions of them...syndicalism may indeed be an unworkable alternative to the mess we have now, but unions that cut across trade and jurisdictional lines and represent workers as a class would be a considerably stronger force than the compartmantalized and marginalized relics we have now...there's an iww icon on this blog for a reason.
the party of wealth is infleixble on "flexibility"
12:56 p m 2-19-2011
"no, not at all."
wisconsin senate majority leader scott fitzgerald on the possibility of a compromise over collective bargaiing for public employees.
i have seriously tried to be bipartisan in my utter contempt for the miserable whores that constitute the political class in this clapped-out empire...but cretins like this low-life used car salesman from wisconsin are making it difficult to be order to provide "flexibility" to the state and municipalities in dealing with their budget issues it seems imperative to deny thousands of wisconsinites the right to bargain for a living wage...this is an emotional issue and i am struggling to maintain some semblance of composure in response to this provocation...grover nordquiist is a fucking joke and as such it is easy to set aside his ideological cant for the nonsense it is...these bozos are in a position to actually impact a large number of workers and set an example for a multitude of knee-jerk retctionaries and crypto-fascists across the country who believe in the social-darwinist proposition that working class people are inferior...this is rank bullshit but holds some currency with the less mentally adept among the populace who plan a counter-demonstation on their day of rest...i don't doubt that the hard-liners in wisconsin will succeed in passing this legislation...somebody has to take the fall for economic conditions and it cannot be those who are actually sod the proles...the real perpetrators control the political apparatus...and this may be the problem...organized labor accepted a continually rising standard of living as a quid pro quo in return for not participating in american politics as unionists after the second world war...that's why there is no "labor" party in the u s...those in control of the political apparatus saw fit to begin reneging on the "deal" during the nixon adminstration, and have not looked back while their interests have been regualrly assaulted workuing people in the u s have had to rely on politicians pretending to be sympathetic to their interests rather than unionist/politicians that are actually in accord with they are left to the whims of the political flavor- of- the- month...which at the moment is "blame the proletariat because they have few political friends and their cushy union coantracts are an easy target in these troubled economic times"...okay...pull the trigger fucker...but when wisconsin falls behind arkansas in education because the municipalities use their "flexibility" to not pay teachers squat and get all the c students who graduated in the bottom half of their class and can't teach worth a damn remember you get what you pay for...same goes for health care...some people have to be kicked in the ass before they can pull their heads out of there.
Friday, February 11, 2011
hosni is gone now...
"major-general safwat el-zayam said there was now a deep cleavage between the armed forces, represented by its supreme council, and the presidential authority represented by president hosni mubarak and his vice president omar suleiman...underling that the army will act as guarantor for the transition to full democracy."
n y times 2-11-2011
"entire nation is in the street. only way out is for the regeime to go. people power cannot be crushed. we shall prevail. still hope the army can join."
a tweet ( what kind of substance can you get in 140 charaters?) from nobel laureate mohamed elbaradei
"the armed forces stresses that there will be no detention of the honorable sons of the nation who rejected corruption and called for reform.
it stresses the importance of resuming work at government services and the return of normal life in oder to preserve the interests and the achievements of our great people."
egyptian military communique #2 2-11-2011
...but the bureaucrats still remain...and the military is telling them politely ( for now) to go back to work...and (politely for now) telling the "great people" of egypt that the party is over and it's time to get back to buisness...enough is enough..we will have no anacrchy here...and no doubt they will oversee the transition to a new governement, and no doubt that government will see the weakness of their position relative to the miltary doubt as well that the military will be the ones defining exactly who is and who is not an "honorable son"...motives will be paramount here and detention will be at their whim...if mohamed believes his tweet he is a fool...once again we can draw on the experiences of the countries of eastern europe after the demise of the "evil empire" as a template for likely outcomes...the power structure that hosni left behind isn't going may change its name and do some cosmetic firing or kicking upstairs...but the professional bureaucrats the army is telling to get the government in gear again won't be substantially changed...there's no-one to replace them form the outside knows the jobs or has the contacts...the de-nazification of germany stalled out over this particualar isuue and quietly faded away after some high profile trials..then the ex-nazi water commissioners got back to the problem of rebuilding german infrastructure...the prohibition against former members of the ba'ath party in iraq participating in the new goverment lost its head of steam over precisely the same issue...most of the shi'ite that were newly elected had no idea where all the levers and switches were...nothing worked...back came the professionals...same fate for egypt's people power as for vacalv's velvet revolution or the people power advoicateds of leipzig...the ceausescus were executed in a post-modern televised revolution on christmas day ( check out andrei codrecu's "the hole in the flag" for an interestign an revealing take on the way power preserves itself and manipulates[or manufactures]popular uprisings) who runs romania now? anybody?
call me crates...partII
2-12-2011 5:37 a m
"whether ther military subordinates itself to a civillian government or installs a new milirary dictator will be immpossible to know for months. military lraders will inevitably be under prssure to deliver the genuine transitionthat protesters did not trust mr. mubarak to give them. yet it may aslo seek to protect the enormous political and economic privileges it accumulated during mt. mubarak's reign. the army has itself been infused for years with the notion that egypt's survivial depends on fighting threats, real and imagined, form foreign enemied, islamists, iran, and the frustrations of its own people."
n y times 2-12-2011
so the swiss have frozen hosni's billions...nothing extrodinary in that...what are the other generals worth? ( hosni was an air force general before he resigned and replaced anwar after that grisly assasination)...that business about "enormous political and economic privileges" has me wondering just how reform minded the generals are...will there be an actual accounting? or will some pliable officer suddenly retire and fill hosni's shoes? there was quite a bit of unrest in the late 70's in egypt...especially after anwar recognized the state of israel ( hence the automatic weapons fire at that military parade)...nobody worried about democracy was about keeping the empire's foreign policy ducks in a row and hosni was willing to play the empire supported him as long as he was useful in maintaining a staus quo in the appears that greed eventually got the better of him as he and hs military cronies enriched themselves at the population's expense...the people lost their temper and hsoni was the most prominent figure in the line of fire so the generals let him take the fall...i haven't heard about any members of the supreme military council resigning and taking it on the lam...and now thry have something of a problem... would a genuinely democratic egypt be allowed to elect a government that wanted to move beyond hosni and see exactly who got what in the mubarak years....or abrogate egypt's recognition of israel's legitimacy? well, boils down to whether the egyptian street will co-operate on a number of levels; 1) leaving the egyptian/israeli status as it is so the billions the egyptians receive form the empire every year to toe the line keep coming ( and what happen when the empire finally goes bust i billions=no co-operation?)and; 2) not getting too nosey about those general's bank accounts...the street may not do either and there may be a genuine change, particualrly if the military continues to be reluctant to kill egyptians ( and. thankfully, that seems to be the case) or they could settle for a few economic reforms that give the populace a bigger slice of the pie...the latter seems more likely to me...everybody gets something...noticable change with minimal disruption.
2-12-2011 12:49 p m
"dispite this nod to populism, american officers who know them say that neither officer is fiercely pro-democracy, in fact one of them, field marshall mohamed heussein tantawi is seen as a strident opponent of political change. both are likely to have calcualted that protecting the military's status and credibility was more important than atanding behind an increasingly isolated and weakened president."
n y times 2-12-2011
it remains to be seen who has the most leverage here...youth in the street or bureaucrats in offices and military leaders in barracks...i have no sympathy with a trotskyite ideology of perpetual revolution, but as the protesters abandon possession of the streets and things begin to return to "normal" the balance tips in favor of the offices and the barracks...then again, how long can you stay in the streets?
yes...but who are they?
2-13-2011 7:40 a m
"in an announcement broadcast on state television an army spokesperson said egypt would continue to abide by all its international and regional treaties and current civilian leadership would manage the country's affairs until the formation of a new government. but he did not duscuss a timetable for any tranfer of power, and it was unclear how and when talks with opposition leaders would take place."
n y times 2-13-2011
so who constitutes "current civilain leadership"? professional bureaucrats who have been entrenched for thirty or more years...sounds like a prescripption for more of the same with some cosmetics applied...of course they will abide by their treaties...that is the only way to keep the imperial money spigot open...and that is the elixer of life for the military ( what other assets doe s egypt have besides their strategic position near israel and along the suez? they're being paid off to behave along lines acceptable to imperial foreign policy) have to think the stalling tactics have started already and you have to wonder once the protesters leave tahrir square how often and in what numbers they will be allowed back...and will the opposition splinter? was hosni the focus they could agree on and now self-interest kicks in? hard to know...always questions...the nature of humans tells me they have a long way to go before anything is decided...have a close look at iraq... can you call that a functioning government?
clean up and keep moving....nothing more to see here...
2-14-2011 4:30 a m
"egypt's military delivered an ultimatum to dozens of committed protesters in tahrir sqwuare, nereve center of a movement that toppled hosni mubarak, to leave and let life get back to normal."
"the military source said authorities were xpected to issue orders soon that would ban meetings by labor unions or professional syndicartes, effectively forbidding strikes, and telllegyptians to get back to work."
reuters 2-`14-2011
economy first, freedom, elections, new constitution...whenever...normalcy is what's needed least tha's what the military thinks...probably a lot of cairenes too...i heard and egyptian author on the bbc this morning...she said tha for twenty days people on anti-depressants had forgotten to take their medication and that now they have "thrown their pills away, that is the impact of the fall of hosni mubarak"...of course...they're high as kites on a manic phase...they will want those pills back soon enough...the cycle does not care who runs the country...she sounded like nothing so much as a sandinidta poet from 1979 or so...waxing about "the people"...well...danny ortega is back in nicaraguan politics but he has been turned to the dark side...spewing "freee market" and "chicago consensus" nonsense...take a lesson...will the military allow the "victory march" next friday? probably...but they aren't going to let anyone stay behind when it's over..."step lively...move along...your job is waiting."
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
the less said the better
so...i've been out of high school for forty years and i simply cannot think of a day when i have missed the place or thought wistfully about the youth i spent was a miserable place with its fair share of miserable was where i learned to be a outsider...a detached observer ( not a participant, "deep hanging-out")...a i suppose i owe it some for that...but not certainly gave me some early insights into social systems and castes...mail call today brought me the lovely form letter you see....the reunion commiitte has found me and i am invited to attend a bash to celebrate what thanks...i'm not sanguine about returning the enclosed questionnaire either...they didn't find me to invite me until the twenty-fifth in 1996 even though i was hiding in plain sight...perhaps indicative of my relative status in the reunion committee's incognito held out for a quarter century...since then they won't shut the fuck up...i am in hobart most weeks at least a couple of times and it is still the self-absorbed, arrogant little burg it has been as long as i have known it...maybe not as bigoted as it once was...but only because it is no longer fashionable or even acceptable...but if bigotry is ever rehabilitated in an arizonan fashion hobart will goose-step right into line with out so much as a backward's in its social dna from way back...that "friendly city" stuff is a hoax...not that i didn't have friends...but they were misfits as well, and our lives did not revolve around school...( when i set up the inevitable facebook page and came to the question about where i attended high school i wrote in "the less said the better"....for months after that in the margins of my face book page were ads saying "fred! use our site to locate friends from the less said the better high"...who says ad robots don't have a sense of humor? the internet is full of information theives)...we found alternate paths and i felt much better about life and myself when i finally got the hell out...realized that the world was not hobart and hobart was a dreary little corner of a much wider and more tolerant reunion this or any other year...well...maybe the fiftieth if i'm still here...if any of us is still all depends on how i feel that day.
Friday, February 4, 2011
got to revolution, got to revolution
"in politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
"peace. land, and bread, now!"
v i lenin
"the little parties prided themselves on having no analouges in the west. their candidates did not have blow-dried hair, did not know how to catch the little red eye of the television camera,, could not even get through a speech without stumbling. they crowded onto the ballot-twenty-four in all- some of them coalitions of coalitions, like alternative youth, which was composed of the german free youth, the marxist youth leauge, the united young left, and the green youth. but when the ballots were counted, they were flattened by the well-oiled party machines from the west."
"berlin journal" by robert darnton p. 267
"there needs to be a transition , now."
"not everyone who worked with the regime should be eliminated."
nobel laureate mohamed elbaraedi
the french stormed the bastile to find the increasingly paranoid and blodthirsty committee of public safety and left that nightmare behind for the imperial pretentions of bonapartist france...weary that the privations they were suffering resulted in a badly run war the russian people deposed the tsar only to find that kerinsky's provisional government was little better and still mismanaged a they gave no real resistance to the bolsheviki (sucked in by lenin's slick promises and inpenetrable prose...and if he was the vanguard of the proletarian revolution why the three piece suit and tie? looked more like a loan officer than a revolutionary..that should have been a clue to the bureaucrat lurking) and what did that achieve but stalin? in a cruel irony, after the bolsheviki collapse in the 1990's they got yeltsin and now putinism...some peoples have no luck at all...poland? the czech republic? the slovak republic? all those "autonomous" areas of the old soviet union? how are things in romania these days? the yoke of the oppressor gone...or just a new set of thugs? the third way that the socialists from east germany wanted to try after they had rid themselves of the bureaucratic nightmare of the stassi and the gdr was lost...when the crowds in leipzig went from chanting "we are the people" to "we are one people" the chance for a socialism that actually worked for the people instead of another politicized elite died dead...instead of a humane system that tried its best to support its citizens they got the consumerist utopia in its strict, german form...affluent yuppies in mercedes scoffing at the "ossies" for their innocent faith in something that could not be quantified in deutchmarks..bludgeoned by the west's obscene wealth and its even more obscene faith in its ability to corrupt that the cairenes are up to their necks in a popular revolt and already they are being sold out by leadership that maintains change will come if only they rely on the bureaucrats and professionals they have...hosni is the issue...not the power structure..."trust us, we will be better" has to wonder why revolutions fought in the name of the people always end so fucking badly for those exact same people ( do not get me started on the hamiltonian government by special interest...another war for ideals fouled by manipulators)'d think that a cursory review of the last two hundred years or so of history would only enlighten those folks in cairo...but they're going to have to do it who stands to inherit a portion of mubarak's power is going to hip them to the real score...and don't fall back on that trotskyite crap about perpetual revolution...that preening narcissist was creamed by a real political operator who understood the mechanics of power...and lesson one is there are no ethics...flatter, cajole, bludgeon...whatever it takes...power is what matters...and is the nearly clapped out empire we live in really interested in "democracy" or just some veneer of freedom they can trumpet about? a free and self-determining arab world? what would that hold out for us? all of the clients of u s foreign policy hosni is subject to the yadrstick of usefulness...and the best part of that usefulness is keeping things lined up the way the empire wants them to be in your satrap...manuel, saddam, ngo dinh diem all found out what happened when they contraviened one of the empire's permanent interests...those "friends of democracy" suddenly found themselves in a prison cell, hung, or shot to death in the back of an armored personel carrier...power has no interest in is in love with itself.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
cultural materialism
"traditional management strategies strive to enhance the effciency of growth by minimizing the annoying variability in natural ecosystems and maximizing the production of system components and variables of value to people...when humans maximize the harvest of a particular species, for example, we inadvertently alter that species' realtionships to multiple other species(e.g. preditors and prey)in the ecosystems, setting off a cascade of feedback responses that can fundamentally erode the system's integrity. some species may be lost, otheres may be favored, and, ultimately, the system may cease to function in ways that are necessary to sustain either the target species or their human predators.
in short, the evidence suggests that in addition to overharvesting, efficiency-oriented maximun production strategies simplify both the exploited ecosystems and the social systems they support. they eliminate important processes and redundancies, and make the socio-ecosystem more vulnerable to additional stress. the system loses resilience."
from "thinking resilience" by william f. rees.
it is patently obvious to me that the technology bubble that i am sitting in, protected form the storm outside ( it is a night de quincey would would be dropping by to get between him and the laudnum)and using the internet to vent my spleen, is being realized at the cost of massive use of petrochemicals...and while bill rees is primarily taliking about overharvesting animal species in the quote, you could extrapolate that out energy use as well...ultimately the market mechanisms that "simplify" and "maximize" the use of resources force the lot of us down pathways that we don't really pay much attention to...or understand for that matter...simplifying the complex omits or distorts alot of details...plastering over a bewildering mass of diverse and interconnected relationships we probably cannot hope to fully comprehend with a facade of rationalizations...the devil is in the deatails and that is something the buyers of the consumerist utopia and its purveyors don't really want to go just gets in the way of the efficient functioning of "the system" and bogs people down in unprofitable thought...questioning instead of consuming...debating instead of buying...thinking instead of just doing it...i can't help but wonder just exactly how much this sort of reasoning has contributed to the somewhat erratic patterns of behavior that have been emerging in everything from the weather to masses of people that are clearly disenchanted with the quality of their lives but may have no clear-cut idea of why or what alternatives they could or might care to explore...something's not quite right doesn't feel natural...culture should be telling us how to address the problems we can resolve and how to accept the dilemmas we cannot..not that we'll feel better if we just go buy something... how much longer this can go on before we gdp ourselves to death?
just a note about the ads google put on the page telling me that this post was successfuly published: "increase efficiency and reduce labor costs"-software; "graduate programs in ecological toxicology"; "factory labor software-track productivity"; "ecosystem lesson plans-200,000 teacher reviewed lesson plans." is reading my blogs for a purpose....i ceratinly hope they are misunderstanding them.
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