Sunday, October 16, 2011


jesus! it's october already? seems like just last may that harold camping was backtracking and explaining a "miscalculation" in the date for the rapture as "bad math"'s sort of cruel to pick on just another refugee from the acid generation who found god in a sheet of windowpane blotter...but the sectarian warfare in the name of the son o' god goes on apace as the folks at have sent me an email inviting me to join them in jeering at old harold and celebrating their wisdom and jesus' love in not letting them fall prey to crackbrained prophecy...i am asked to download a copy of their flier and then have a photograph of me holding it taken next friday which i should then upload to their flicker account to add to all the other photos of "true"believers they will then post...this is,of course, nonsense on stilts and i'll be goddamned if i'll participate...the rapturefail folks have a really neat sideline in t-shirts going at cafe press if you're interested in what the fashionably moderate fundamentalist yahoo is wearing this season ( it's really no worse than what the n y times style magazines have been flogging to the fashion challenged over the last month...this week's was a corker...but that's another blog) and their blog is unbiased and informative in a snarky, sectarian kind of way that would resonate with some people i know...but that's a journal entry, not a blog...some things are too vitriolic to print on the interweb...even for me...with the holiday season just around the corner it's good to see the god fearing folks dragging out the heavy artillery of hellfire and damnation to cure a wicked and weary world...too fucking bad they'll be out gunned and outspent by the desperate retailers of the consumerist utopia who are far more concerned with black friday than their immortal is business despite "the reason for the season"...damnation you say? tish tosh...the entrepreneurs will just license the ice water concession...religion at the words of an anthropologist i know, "that stuff is all made up anyway"...humans are entirely too easily taken in by loony ideas...see you in hell...all the cool people will be there anyway.

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