Wednesday, December 26, 2012

saved by boxing day?

"the 2012 holiday season may have been the worst for retailers since the financial crisis, with sales growth far below estimates, forcing many to offer massive post-christmas discounts in hopes of shedding excess inventory." reuters 12-26-2012__________________________ "shifting consumption patterns as the population can no longer pay the price of what it really wants and, instead, purchases what it can afford." one of the signs of economic and resource overshoot from " the limits to growth: the 30 year update"____________ odd that reuters isn't speaking of the "financial crisis" in the past tense...there's a recovery on...right? and all that bullshit about a "fiscal cliff" is just fear-mongering by the liberal media as it vainly represents the interests of an underclass in the face of the obvious darwinian superiority of the fucking one percent...clearly the political class will come to its senses and find a suitable compromise...i mean...the europeans have been doing it for years with the "greek crisis " and that's working out, isn't it? and those poor sods that keep harping away about limits and overshoot...too stupid to live and treasonous in their foolish insistence on limits...the market and its supporting cadre of economic commisars ( read the imf, world bank, and the "chicago school" ) know the real score here...there are no limits and the monetary economy is in no way embedded in the ecosphere...that is just leftist propaganda designed to undermine the confidence of investors..and god only knows what a panic there would not to think about it much less discuss it...they are sensitive as a bug's nuts and as prone to panic as penguins...keep the lid on bad news and drive like hell for the cliff...thelma and louise aren't in congress.

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