Sunday, February 3, 2013

abstraction vs. satisfaction

friday was a furlough day where i paid least not paid in the abstract representation of work called money...there was payment in the form of satisfaction, however...the intent behind money is to represent work sanctioned by an economic that buttresses its position of power and that extracts money from the economy without supporting the elite ( what would be termed "vice for instance ) is deemed illegal and negatively is simply a tool of the elite made basic to everyone because it is the only way to obtain basic needs in a consumer society, just as debt ( also a buttress to the elite ) is the positively sanctioned way of buying upward mobility ( or, at least, the pretense of upward mobility )...satisfaction is something the elite works hard to eliminate through media propaganda that creates engineered desire ( a buttress to debt ) because it is a basic threat to can be obtained by the lower orders without engaging in any activity either positively sanctioned or deemed illegal so it subverts the entire money/desire/debt paradigm...primarily mental and connected to some form of constructive activity it falls beyond the influence of money...i went out to the local extension campus of indiana university and visited with friends in the archives and checked on my research garden there...then i went out and photographed some peri-urban agricultural fields i have been monitoring this past year then headed home to upload the photos and do some writing...true they were all activities connected to the consumer economy by their use of energy...but they were low cost and non debt producing and my mental outlook was vastly improved...i had a good time with no physical exchange of cash and without bringing home any of those holy of holies for the elite...consumer goods...i'm planning more subversive activities, like visiting my granddaughter, soon.

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