Sunday, January 26, 2014

proletarian splendor

"at the time there was a movement in art called constructivism. the name was probably chosen to indicate that its adherents believed in construction rather than destruction. there was a strong input of mechanical civilization, and a preference for the looks of an electrical turbine to the looks of a landscape. human beings were eliminated from their pictures, or, if used, were transformed into a wheel, cylinder, or an obedient puppet subject to the machine." george grosz. "an autobiography"________________________________________________________________george mentions constructivism in relation to a trip he took to the soviet union in 1922 and the similarity of viewpoint between allegedly diametrically opposed socio-economic systems that this passage reveals is striking...whether it is the secular religion of marxism or that of industrial capitalism the view of the industrial worker is as an object.... set aside all the posturing about "the people" and "the proletarian revolution" and "the dignity of labor" ( and you can throw in that calvinist fucking work ethic too ) and the industrial worker is an adjunct to a machine.... a resource to be used...a part...a cog...( human resources taken literally )...a philosophical rationalization of the elite no matter what bogus political system underpins the is a matter of relegating workers to a position inferior to the goods they produce because that production is the socially created wealth that the elite privatizes in a far greater proportion than the those who physically produce it..that relegation is crucial to the functioning of any system of social stratification...happiness is what you own is its public face here...stakhanovite production "for the revolution" was its face when george went to russia in 1922...either way it sets the elite apart________________________________________________________________________speaking of elites, my "right to work" ( for less ) state took out a full page add in today's sunday new york times ( mike pence putting my tax dollars to work...good job mike! ) with the catchy tag line: "new york: if you can make it there, you can make A LOT MORE OF IT HERE. indiana a state that is too large to scan in but i bet you can see it at these people...where is the lake of fire?

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