Sunday, March 9, 2014

indiana is a hotbed of dissent

"Since 1915, the principal supporter of daylight saving in the United States has been the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of small business and retailers," says Downing. "The Chamber understood that if you give workers more sunlight at the end of the day they'll stop and shop on their way home. It's not just golf—the barbecue industry loves daylight savings, so do the home good stores because people tend to go out of their houses, see that their roofs need replacing and buy more shingles. It's a really important part of niche marketing for the retail industry."-michael dowling__________________________________________________ you can read some specious bullshit about the miniscule amount of electricity that daylight savings time allegedly saves but when i look at all the little electricity vampires on all the electronic gizmos around here...from the little red light on my monitor that's on even when the monitor is off or the neat little lit up logo on the goddamned flat screen tv in the livingroom or the green lights on the dishwasher ( which i patently refuse to use )or the red ones on the hardwired smoke detectors i know that's all lame posturing and cheap rationalization....the real reason is neatly outlined by dowling and is the brainchild of the chamber of commerce...that crypto-fascist purveyor of gluttons consumption...they are as doomed as dinosaurs and they can take their time theft and get bent, pound sand, eat shit and die...whatever strikes their greedy little fancy..everything those cretins do is extractive and deleterious to the environment...i will be forced to reset my clocks because i still have to deal with the "real world" ( despite its continual, illusory belief that "business as usual" will remain unchanged within established parameters ) and it has no sense of humor...greed will do a footnote this state has been a bastion of resistance to daylight savings time resulting in a chaotic temporal situation at time, until that paragon of neo con politics turned university president sign a statute making the state observe it...another reason to say fuck these people...where is the lake of fire?


  1. I utterly love DST and getting an extra hour of light at the end of the day!!!! who give a crap if its dark when I get up in the morning, I live on the back half of the day...although I doubt I will be looking at my roof to see if I need to replace any shingles

    1. you are more than welcome to it coach...i am unrepentant in my is as artificial and arbitrary as the constructs of time zones...i am also a natural born hoosier and so genetically predisposed to dispute its validity.
