Thursday, January 15, 2015


back in october i posted about my union publishing the names of workers at trane who had opted out of paying union dues under the aegis of the current "right to work" legislation here in hoosierland...they're at it again with the names prominently printed in boldface with the same exhortation to their peers at trane to "persuade" them to become "good" dues-paying unionists again...they've taken adding the nifty little "no scabs" graphic as well...leave it to a craft union...jurisdictional squabbles aren't enough...nothing quite like dividing workers against themselves to promote a sense of solidarity with the union in the face of a concerted political effort to do any sort of effective workers' representation in...this simply screams out "business unionism" and shows the union's primary interest is in its cash flow and not in any sort of advocacy for workers and their needs and the roll call of members who have opted out drains the local of black ink to print their names in they will become more shrill in their recriminations...they are working hard to alienate membership and are succeeding beyond their fondest hopes in that endeavor..i am still a third generation union disgust still knows no bounds.

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