Sunday, December 13, 2015

winter of discontent

“let it, however, not be spring, nor summer, nor autumn…but winter, in his sternest shape…this is a most important point in the science of happiness…and i am surprised to see people overlook it, and think it a matter of congratulation that winter is going; or, if coming, is not likely to be a sever one…on the contrary, i put a petition annually , for as much snow, hail, frost, or storm of one kind or another as the skies can possibly afford us...surely everybody is aware of the divine pleasures which attend a winter fireside: candles at four o’clock, warm hearth rugs, tea, a fair tea maker, shutters closed, curtains flowing in ample draperies on the floor, whilst the wind and rain are raging audibly without” thomas de quincey. “confessions of an english opium eater”___________________________________________ The thermometer in the back yard has moved since yesterday afternoon…it has edged up a degree or two…I am not content…it is not natural…it is anomalous is surely something of an index to deeper issues that will deepen in the anthropocene ( deniers scoff here )…old tom was an addict who had serious ulterior motives in wishing for foul weather…no one dropping by to interrupt his tea and laudanum…I have ulterior motives for wishing for a winter as well and, while I no longer share some of tom’s reasons, the outlook is still much the same…I am looking towards spring and confused plants, the possibility of drought, and some fears of insect infestations because of a mild winter that didn’t kill enough larvae…a massive overshoot in japanese beetle and cabbage looper populations…ther has been a summit in paris about “climate change” and, as usual when politicians are in control, a lot of platitudes were spouted, the agreement was “hailed” ( got an email from old barry saying exactly that…but he’s a politician…what else would he say but “we done good”…I see ”business as usual” with some sop bandaids..they are all whores )…via campesina disagrees vehemently: i am inclined to agree vehemently…still hoping for a winter…in serious doubt…things are not as they seem…politicians always lie…one of the very few absolutes I will countenance.

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