Sunday, September 25, 2016

aside from endorsing hillary...

...and basically calling trump an idiot ( a theme they say they will expand on with tomorrow's op ed section ) the n y times sent along the "style and luxury" issue of the "t magazine"__________®ion=navbar&module=collectionsnav&pagetype=sectionfront&pgtype=sectionfront _________260 pages of mostly advertising fro things like $15,000 couches and $9 million condos ( heavy on the luxury...possibly the motivation for the clinton endorsement...keep the quantitative easing is subjective )...among the many ads there were with web addresses there was this one_______ ______"a sensorial journey of culinary luxury 333 years in the making"...okay...have a look at the web site...beyond " locally sourced ingredients" there is no hint of what actually may be served and i wonder what exactly how local the source from the hudson? east river? i loathe a foodie...not because they eat or that they are devotees of haute cuisine...pretentious but that is just one more human's because they are faddish and latch food that are traditional staples in traditional agriculture ( not the "culture" suffix ) and turn them from staples into pricey status foods...quinoa...maca ___ ___ traditional maize varieties ___ ___ that price the locals out of the traditional foods they grow and consume daily, destroying the local culture to feed some elitist diners at exorbitant prices to prove how hip and trendy they are and what fantastic chefs there are out there...only to find yet another "super food" and move on leaving the maca and maize growers worse off than before they were subjected to the vicissitudes of the foodie way...i read this paper to get some insight on how the elite think ( it is far to late for the times to claim it is not an elitist newspaper...pick up a copy of the sunday paper [if you want to part with six bucks for the privilege] and peruse it is unmistakable ) and why, if the thinking is clear enough..and just to tie it all back together, neither candidate for the presidency would find any of this reprehensible...they would spout bullshit about "level playing fields" "competitive advantage" and the benefits of the "global economy"...who cares about oaxan or andean farmers or the culture that supports them? it's all about style and "luxury"

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