Sunday, May 7, 2017

all they needed was the beer

"mr.carol replied that the people of america were enlightened. information and knowledge would be the support of it. mr. adams replied, information and knowledge were not the source of obedience; that ignorance was a much better source."__________________"the first business was the report on what was called the stephen moore's bill. this man is the owner of the land on which the old fort of west point stands. he is got in debt in town to the amount of two thousand or some such sum. he has nothing but the rocks of west point. the secretaries of war and treasury and other influential characters have interested themselves in getting this bill passed to buy the land from him, to pay his debts, under the notion that the ground is necessary fro a fortress. barefaced as this business is it was carried in the senate by a great majority. am i mistaken or has the spirit of prodigality broke loose...?" william maclay 's journal of the first congress 28 may 1789 and 24 june 1791_______________just a quick post to point out that generations of american politicians have mystified, confused, dissembled, and outright lied to keep "the mob" in ignorance of what they were really up to which, in the end, is doing their best to protect the privileges and prerogatives of wealth at the expense of the rest of us...clearly john adams loved "the uneducated" long before don trump blustered his way into the white house by playing on the fears and deepening the ignorance of the polity...the pure venality we see in the acts of congress ( and their celebratory pounding down of brewskis like the aged frat boys they all are ) are nothing may be that the media of the day was a hindrance to the exposure of the venality in traveled slowly and was received long after the deed was done...the act was complete...we suffer from instantaneous news now...more rapid reception seems to be no guarantee of better or more public spirited behaviors...the whores are bought and sold...traded like stocks..or securities better still...their true constituents are unconcerned with "the voter"...we are ciphers tot wonders how long the fog of ignorant obedience will linger...fuck these people.

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