Sunday, February 18, 2018

there's a reason joe goebbels admired madison avenue

i have read a few pieces around the interweb and in the n y times about the relentless pro-party propaganda that inundates the people of china...and how the police are using smart glasses with facial recognition capability to finger "suspects" ( i would read "dissidents" there...thoughtcrime...a favorite of enforcement officials and authoritarian politicians everywhere...from beijing to swamptown )...but here in the egalitarian and freedom loving west we are unvexed by these machinations...right? i have my doubts ( which, incidentally, is how you know it is actually me and not some fucking hacker writing this )...the newspapers arrive while i was out and i have seen serious flaws in the whole "freedom" thing...
the editorial boards ( read advertisers...the media do not want to fuck up the revenue stream by offending the let the advertisers have a large say in content ) have been busy forming my opinions for me and packaging them in a form i pay to receive...quite the system...i pay to be bludgeoned by institutional opinion...or is it that i am researching what the want me to think...opinion varies...i know what i think...and they know what they would like me to think...
the feminist icon and trend setter judy chicago ( "the oracle of feminist art-and the culture that finally caught up to her" ) has made the glossy cover of "T" magazine in the n y is the "women's fashion issue"...
which is chock full of glossy $107,000 ads presenting what the well heeled and chic feminist should be wearing as she asserts herself...the n y times cares about women almost as much as they care about me...but propaganda isn't confined to media ( isn't confined to print or electronics...where the fuck did i put macluhan? )
here is a stunning photo i took this morning of dawn over the junction of indiana routes 6, 53, and 130...we are overwhelmed with propaganda everywhere we go to the extent that we do not even recognize it as's just part of the scenery...and if you look closely just tot he left of the billboard above the route signs, you can se one of the surveillance cameras at the intersection...china got nothing on us.

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