Sunday, July 7, 2019
media and contradictions
the media is alive with slime...that is a given..and, no doubt, there are those who find my opinions ( and they are opinions..i am no "expert" so i fit in with the op ed pages anywhere ) slimy and repugnant as be it...the reality is that between television ( i abandoned television[ and by "television i mean broadcast tv...never had cable ] seven years ago because it is the single most effective tool for engineering desires for things we don't need and the content seemed inane ) the internet, or print media, you can find some outlet or other that will lend support to your particular worldview...whether pro choice...or gun control ( or pepsi or coke for that matter )because the "news" is pretty much a marketing tool aimed as specific audiences because media outlets are for-profit corporate entities and they like a solid customer any other retailer...i have been accused ( among other things ) of being especially biased against the new york times...well..i have been a subscriber for a number of years and they are no different than any other corporate outfit except that they are an oft cited branch of corporate media and have been called "the paper of record" on more than one occasion and so, i think, are qualified to be a representative of a fair part of the media spectrum in terms of behaviors...the puking buddha and i have spent part of the weekend perusing the times ( we are not done yet ) and what we have discovered is that, like any other bureaucratized organization, sometime one set of news drones is unaware of what another is working on...contradictions invariably follow a lack/breakdown in communication...misunderstandings we were gleefully informed:
that der furhair's trade wars do not matter and that job growth was "sizzling" ( as far as one can sizzle on a less than livable rate of pay...this is a factor that is neglected in this many people do you know with two or more jobs?...and before you go ranting at me about "skill level" let me say "fuck you", it isn't about is about corporate greed...and even the highly paid are so remunerated because they are creating even more wealth for someone else...extraction is the first principle of capital ) as it "rebounded sharply in june" ( this, of course, based on politically expediently cooked numbers from the department of labor )...okay as far as it goes...but it did not seem to have gone as far as today's paper where we find:
that jobless claims are up for the four weeks preceding june thirtieth...perhaps we lost more minimum wage jobs than we "added" in the month...clarification seems in doubt there would be some impressive doublethink if the point were pressed..the punditry has the answers you seek... and a final note:
someone tell me exactly what "left" we are talking about here...the "left" of the democratic party? that is pretty much a joke since it has been drifting rightward since reagan's inauguration and finds itself somewhere to the right of alf landon at the moment with no end of drift in sight...who in their right mind gives a rat's ass about what pelosi and her acolytes represent? skeptic and profound cynic ( in terms of crates of thebes mind you..not the modern distortion that has made it an epithet ) that i am i don't honestly believe she has the interests of anyone but nancy pelosi at heart..and that, by extension, can be applied to any of the whores in congress regardless of their media cachet...even ocasio-cortez will be wealthy before she is thought is to make the entire population of whoretown as irrelevant to my existence as i can...the problem is it is difficult to keep them at a distance when you read the times...they are not the defenders of "truth" ( that slippery subject ) or freedom the promote themselves as...they are a business...just like fox news...cnbc..or congress.
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