Wednesday, August 28, 2019

there's nothing in the's just politics

the buddah has plenty to has been a weird few months and it simply continues to go more sideways as summer draws to a close...things aren't right and i am inclined to think that, while it may not be exactly too late to do something to extricate ourselves from our species and planetary wide predicament, we would rather dither and bicker than act...until, eventually, it will be too late...such are humans...
may saw ten inches of rain in my back yard which probably isn't record setting or the most rainfall ever recorded...or even extraordinary given rainfall in other parts of the planet...still, it had an impact...
in that it rendered the local fields too wet to put in a crop of dense yellow # 2 field corn and so half the fields hereabouts are supporting "native plants" rather than feed stock for industrial food...this is just a local reflection of the climate issue we all are facing across the world ( albeit some more than others...we will be getting to that directly )
there are wild fires burning in siberia...
and the amazon...
and the have been on the uptick over the past year it seems..which may be a bit more of an indication of a crisis than ten inches of rain in my back yard a few months ago...and politicians love a crisis...they can campaign on it...and garner monetary support...and confuse the voters...or scare them..into giving up their sovereignty as individuals in the name of "the greater good"...which somehow always turns out to be to the benefit of the elite who control the hegemonic culture...the problem with climate change is the hegemonic culture cannot readily admit it actually exists and pretty much wishes it would all go away because it is screwing up "business as usual" which has been very profitable for them...a real dilemma for them because the whole climate change thing is pretty scary and you could leverage the rabble into line if it were possible to recognize its what's a power hungry politician to do? manufacture crises...
trumpy has immigration, nativism, and his useless border wall to stir the yahoos up...
and he keeps trying to jerk china's chain...which may cost him...
and his base among soybean and pork well as the rest of us if he isn't careful ( and self-absorbed sociopath he is careful isn't in his vocabulary )...
across the pond his political understudy has exacerbated the existing crisis there...
by engineering a prorougement of parliament...
with the help of a senile or complicit ( you choose ) queen in order to prevent parliament from legislating away boris's ability to do things his way and assume the mantle of...
lord protector of all things english...there may be can hope there will be...the thrust of politics in "the west" these days seems to be the disenfranchisement of as much of the population ( especially those who don't agree with "business as usual" ) to as great an extent as possible by using scare tactics and outright coercion to achieve that end...a recreation of john locke's desire to not create " too numerous a democracy" and john jay's echoing of that in the federalist papers ( with a supportive "here here" from madison and hamilton )...ever since rome ( if not before ) elites have succeeded in making their interests the "national interest"...they continue to do so...the time for redefinition has arrived.

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