Tuesday, February 11, 2020

the senator elaborates and i respond

prior to trumpy's senate trial i wrote to both of my alleged representatives in that august areopagus dispairing of a rational and unbiased approach on both their parts....mike braun immediately confirmed his trumpist loyalties, while todd young took longer to respond in what was admittedly a much more measured ( and thus politically attuned ) response...yesterday i received this:
email from todd, elaborating on his decision to vote for acquittal and take a few shots at the democrats in the house ( with a few historical inaccuracies thrown in )...he sent this along as well:
to enlighten me in "greater detail"...i have responded, and, keeping with the senator's measured tone, in a less vitriolic manner than you might expect:____ Dear Senator Young, I had expected acquittal, it is the precedent set by the two preceding presidential impeachments and, given the near impossibility of garnering a two thirds majority over anything in congress, the outcome was obvious to all but the naive. i do have several points to make regarding your response. Removing anyone from a political office is an overtly political act and as such cannot be anything but politically motivated. Given the make up of the 105th Congress and the 36 vote plurality held by Republicans in the House of Representative, you would be hard pressed to convince me that the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton was not a political act born of a "political fever". As an aside to this, Richard Nixon was never impeached. he resigned before that could take place and was given what can only be deemed a suspect presidential pardon by his successor. Admittedly, in reference to the "Rubino rule", there was not chance of a bi-partisan approach to this case, so, abandoning it you, as a partisan body embraced a partisan acquittal, which, again, meets the precedent set by the Clinton impeachment in which the 45 Democratic senators voted for acquittal on all counts thus insuring it. The only bi-partisan approach to impeachment came in 1868 when 10 Republican senators ( notably mostly from the Mid-West ) voted to acquit Andrew Johnson. It was easily as fractious a time in American politics and, perhaps, a more honest one. Senators went armed into the chamber and it was called the Department of War, not the euphemistic Department of Defense. I will vote against the president in the fall despite the fact that given the winner-take-all formula for distributing electoral votes I am effectively disenfranchised by down-state yahoos. Your next opponent may also count on my support. Sincerely, Fred Lumpen Proletariat____these are interesting times and the flow of events will crank up the existential hum to almost unbearable levels...dogs will run in packs...blood will weep from the walls...substance abuse will become more widespread and abominations will roam the streets while the psychiatric mission will shift from one of cure to containment.

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