Thursday, November 12, 2020

force decides

the actual quote from marx is, i believe, "between equal rights, force decides"...whether the "rights" here are equal is a matter of would seem, from a constitutional standpoint that biden is "president-elect" and the coronation will follow when the elcetoral college meets on 14 december...that 71,000,000 or so voters disgaree may constitute "equal rights"...ay least in their minds and donny'
the n y times is asking to what end donny is stacking the leadership of the dod and nsa with loyalists ( a throroughly stalinist move )...the answer is in the "force" part of the seize power and name himself "president for life" to avoid 1.) going to jail, and/or 2.) of necessity fleeing the country to avoid the former possibility...simple...and they have thirty-two day before the real election and sixty-nine before the inaguration to have a go at it...if they do what are you going to do? if the military and the police go along it is a done deal...or a civil war if some of them do not...and if the majority of them refuse to be part of a coup then dony jail or putinland...the constitution has no mechanism for this...burr killed hamilton but accepted being jefferson's vp...acceptance is not a donny trait...
what america "owes" to the greeks and romans is a vision of empire and a hubristic sense of exceptionalism...looking more like a banana republic...that isn't written in stone anywhere...the system could still survive donny...the times believes it will...the times is biased as any other media though...a coup is a is a civil is a peacful transition...probabilities are what we are looking at and the precedents say BAU...we'll see by 20 january.

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