Sunday, February 21, 2021

the future is back!!

the new york times style magazine is always a treat and today i received the "women's fashion" edition for this year and that is always one of my favorites...
in a stuning journalistic coup the times informs me...stylishly...that the future is back...i was somewhat surprised since it had seemed to be coming at me day at a time in the standard fashion all along...this is the times we are talking however so it must have disappeared at some point and i have been clearly delusional about its continued presence...who kwew? the times seemingly...
the future may be reinstated but it seems a bit muted...the most opulent expression of women's fashion i detected in the pages was going for a paltry $13495...a severe price cut given some of the costs in previous issues...the pandemic may be at fault in this...its impact is everywhere...even among the style-setters and influencers...
you could raise the opulence stakes however simply by accessorizing that outfit with this wonderful wicker purse from hermes for a rock-bottom $7650...a steal for the chic brigade...and you thought you had all you needed...that forthcoming $1400 stimulus would make an ideal down payment on these necessities...bear that in is what the times ( and their advertisers who are on the editorial board ) want you to do

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