Sunday, January 30, 2022


i got a letter from my friend joe biden the other day
( he calls me “friend” in the body of the letter, how could i doubt him? nancy Pelosi called me friend in a letter a while back as well…friendly group politicians )..i get these from both sides of the aisle…by mail, email, and old tom cotton loves to send me texts whining about “ obstructionist democrats” as if that low life wasn’t doing some “obstructing” of his own over in whoretown…and there is a consistent theme in them all…they are asking for money…and, basically, through a medium of scripted fearmongering…in both letters the democrats needed cash to “hold and expand our majorities” that will allow the continued passage of “historic legislation” for the benefit of “everyday americans”…tom cotton, on the other hand, wants to regain control of congress to stop the drift towards “socialism” being engendered by the biden cadre…the urgency of these messages is intended to wring out as much cash from my personal coffers as possible with the threat of the demise of “historic legislation” or some weak-kneed socialist bureaucracy instead of the vaunted American “individualism” ( mythologizing bunch, politicians )…richard henry lee was from virginia ( first cousin once removed to robert e. lee )…possibly a slave owner ( the family business was tobacco ) and probably pro-slavery/states rights ( i have not researched either of those so chalk them up to supposition…i don’t really know for a fact just yet ) none of which negates the validity of this lee quote…”it is natural for men who wish to hasten the adoption of a measure to tell us now is the crisis, now is the critical moment which must be seized or all is lost”…he was reacting to the fearmongering surrounding the proposed adoption of the the moment i am reacting to the still prominent component of fearmongering in politics here from the local to the national…these people claim public service however i am forced to wonder how much “everyday americans” benefit from their “historic legislation” in proportion to the real constituents ( read corporations and the wealthy elite ) they actually represent and fear and division are the tools they use relentlessly to achieve their agendas…the system is “rigged”…in favor of wealth it seems…
another question…how can it be that the law requires i list my occupation and name of my employer should i make political donations of $200 or more in a calendar year? my current employment ( such as it is ) is “at will”…so are my political views ( and committments ) liable to be communicated to my employer to sap that “will” to continue my employment ( oddly all anyone in management would have to do is mine this blog…my political views are manifest in it and, while readership seems limited, it is public )
…and, finally, even the cost of a forever stamp would help the cause along…it would be refreshing if they were honest about the exact nature of the “cause”…unfortunately that is obscured by fear and obfuscation.

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