Saturday, March 12, 2022

time for abstraction

the plants in my back yard and the several beds i work in community gardens run on "event time"...their seasons have approximate lengths ( say ninety or one hundred twenty days for potatoes )...they take as long as they take to do what they do...conversely humans appear to run on "clock time" and i wonder if that isn't a mechanistic abstraction imposed on life...there are scientific and navigational reasons for measuring time exactly but how exact is it? no doubt increments of time can be delineated exactly in a laboratory...then again, "clock time" needs a leap second added every year and a half or so...exact in the micro, changable in the macro...even the calendar needs a "leap day" every four years...time seems inexact...what does "clock time" mean for the bulk of humans who are subject to it? mostly some form of control...time to be at work...time to be at school, to sleep ( that might be a natural rhythm that is disrupted by the previous two items ),"time!" at the end of an exam, time to do the means limits, abstraction...time zones, in this country, were instituted with the advent of railroads...making the schedules less chaotic...or, moreover, synchronizing the people who used them...and time zones seem fluid...the two northwetern counties of the state of indiana are on central time while the rest of the state is on eastern timre...why? because they are more satellites of chicago than indianapolis...the geographic nature of time zones is inexact...just like the "clock time" they represent...the international date line is an abstraction that runs through the pacific ocean...zig-zagging around contenents and date seems as arbitrary as time settings...and tomorrow we arrive at daylight savings time again...that twenty-five and twenty-three hour day twice a year abstraction...originally sold as an energy saving device, interests that pandered to the consumer saw it as an extra hour of daylight at the end of the work day in which to consume golf or beer...the uniform time act of 1966 set it at six months of the year...that was changed to seven months when dutch reagan rode high in the saddle on pennsylvaina avenue and to eight months in senses a subtle manipulation should come as no surprise that the u.s. chamber of commerce is all for "year round daylight savings time" you can have a dark commute to work for more of the year while purveyors of food, drink, and "a good walk ruined" can get more of what you earn for doing that dark commute...i, for one, would rather just keep my hour ( even if the twenty-five and twenty-three hour days are complete abstractions ) and if i cannot because the hegemons decree otherwise ( concerned over my having too much latitude in governing my time..they take after thomas more's utopia in this respect ) i will refusae to be a consumer during that last hour of daylight simply on principle

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