Sunday, February 12, 2023


“the objective of all human arrangements is through distracting one’s thoughts to cease to be aware of being alive.”-fred nietzsche______________________________________ ________ i almost agree…arrangements take advantage of human nature (yes there is one despite the social sciences’ aversion to the idea )to induce one to “cease to be aware” of the negative impact of some situations and surroundings on the individual psyche…however one is certainly aware of being alive…and awareness of the negative impact has the capacity to return...the “arrangements” duration can vary and the anesthesia can fail…my visceral loathing of my place of employment is never so vivid as when i am in the parking lot waiting to go in…one supposes this is common since the concept of “work” or, rather “job” ( which we will define as paid work ) is unnatural and alienating ( in this marx was correct )…and yet, once the day has started this loathing fades into insignificance…however only if there is sufficient praxis ( and we will use the aristotelian definition of “goal oriented activity” rather than some kantian, or worse marxist , application of an apriori theory to events…we will be inductive and hypothesize from experience…empiricism only ) to focus the attention…to induce tunnel vision that makes the loathing, along with most other negative issues, fade…should the supply of praxis ( work ) be insufficient to last the day’s shift loathing can return in pre-praxis levels…when one’s attention is focused on work one is still well aware of being alive…particularly if the work involved is of a complex nature…awareness is focused but awareness exists…routinized, habitual work may allow the mind to wander…even back to loathing, however, usually, if the mind wanders too far the work demands a refocusing of attention…even habitual work has contingencies that can be violated…and one has to wonder exactly how aware of this facet of human nature capital is and how much it actually depends on it to have its necessities ( mostly profit ) seen to…another case of a human trait being subverted and applied to a purpose that may actually be inimical to one’s wellbeing…whether that would be psychological ( loathing is a defense against toxic situations ), physical, or both…one wonders just how much capitalism has “done for us”…and how much it has taken.

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