Friday, November 12, 2010

greek tragedy, roman farce, or just post-modern ethics?

"skokie fire fighters resopnded to a report of a "down golfer" about 4 pm when a fellow golfer spotted him trapped under a cart and called for help...his daughter refered all calls to a personal injury lawyer who did not return a message seeking comment."
chicago tribune 11-12-2010

another golfer learns that renting a cart negates the healthful effects of a walking round...a tragic accident involving a member of the legal fratenity out to unburden some of the pressures that being a lawyer in the late empire can generate...lining up an approach shot one the hands of lucifer the next...that his daughter should refer the matter to "a personal injury lawyer" comes as no surprise...well schooled in the underlying philosophy "it's not my fault" and "take what you can" that drives the legal system, she did what her upbringing rendered natural...declined comment...wouldn't want to queer the pitch that dad's lawyer is going to use in court as the grieving family sues the golf course, the makers of the obviously faulty golf cart, and possibly the manufacturers of dad's golf shoes since the poorly designed cleats did not provide him with nearly enough traction to escape being wedged between the cart and the wall of that bunker he landed in...the message is clear...we don't have to be responsible anymore...just call a lawyer and prove in court that what hapened had nothing to do with a personal lapse or a terminal lack of common was not remiss when he didn't set the hand brake on that was already 4 and would be getting dark soon...had to finish the round and grab a club sandwich and a couple of scotch on the rocks nerve tonics at the nineteeth hole...he wasn't worried...he knew what he was was the other guys who were the fuck-ups here...his lawyer will prove that in lies there.

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