Thursday, November 24, 2011

i loathe a conspiracy theorist

they waste my time...they distract people from more immediate issues that require their attention in the here and now...they crave attention and are prepared to distort fact and manipulate emotions to get it...i don't care who killed kennedy or if mozart was poisoned or if lincoln was gay...doesn't make on damn bit of difference to my's unconstitutional behavior and the precedent he set for a presidency that was above the law had a direct impact ( especially on nixon) but his sexual orientation was his business....all that speculation is pointless the video points out in its own way, causality is so complex...made up of so many decisions by billions of people each and every day that no-one can have more than the most general idea of what's going on...this guy is cannot, on your own, think of every possible explanation for any given act...speculation isn't a sound basis for decisions on events...crackbrained speculation even less has been replete with pundits with an agenda ( the freak freidman leaps to mind )...the internet and television only let them reach more people in a more timely matter with this pointless stuff...get a grip.

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