Thursday, November 3, 2011

where's mcluhan when you need him?

"before he and his lawmakers walked out of parliament thursday night mr.samaras accused the prime minister of backing off the referendum plan only after european leaders had 'reproached him.' "
n y times 11-3-2011

"everyone to the general strikes!"
from the greek street 11-3-2011

from what i have read the greek prime minister said he dumped the referendum after the opposition in parliament agreed to back the austerity measure that come as the price tag of angela hauling their chestnuts out of the fire again...(this could be the last time she can do that...her days are as numbered as the euro's)...and that rumors of him impending resignation are just that...that may change tomorrow and the folks at occupied london say the street has already erupted as anarchists loot supermarkets and redistribute the food in public what next for greece...state of emergency? capitalism morphs into fascism when faced with substantive change form below because you can't have the mob taking away your yacht, your porsche, your mansion, your coke, your mistress, or your thousand euro an hour hookers just because they're hungry now can you? let loose the ss or whatever the lapdogs of armed reaction are calling themselves these days and damn the consequences..."i took it and i'm keeping it" the fuck do you believe? it's like using the stock market as an indicator of what the economy is doing...there's a serious disconnect somewhere...the greek prime minster is a whore politician so i can safely assume anything that warped fucker says is a bald faced issue wants to be prime minister so we can eliminate him as an oracle of the truth as well...the anarchists are...well...anarchists, and while my sympathies are almost always with the underdog and they are clearly correct about the rapacity of capital and fucking central banks, they are prone to say just about anything that comes into their heads if it sounds good or even plausible..their motives may indeed be more pure than those of whore politicians, but they have a tendency to think in teleological terms despite their rants about personal freedom think they know what's best...i'm inclined to whack every european i can find over the head with a kendo stick and shove a copy of "the proper study of mankind" by isaiah berlin under their arrogant noses and tell them to get a grip...(you would have to reduce old isaiah's philosophy down to a thirty minute cartoon[probably starring the simpsons] you could loop through the congressional youtube channel before any of those pathetic louts would pay attention...the empire has doomed itself through its dependence on electronic media for the "truth"...print is dead and so is read it here first)...i am called a cynic who believes in nothing and simply sits back and sneers unceasingly...this is patent bullshit but a widely held belief...i am convinced of entropy and the inevitable decline of anthropogenic structures...the euro zone, capitalism, empire, the republican party...all doomed to wear out and suffer massive systemic failures as they grow too complex for even evolved ape's brains to maintain, much less energy goes so goes the complexity of human systems of thought, production, and control...don't let the techno-optimists confuse you...they only think they have the end it's safer to believe no-one.

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