Thursday, November 22, 2012

a pen warmed up in hell...

...(stolen from mark twain) is what i would need to do justice to international conspiracy theorists' day least the n y times didn't involve itself this year ( have a look at last year's "umbrella man" op-ed piece )and , surprisingly, neither has the national inquirer...this new-found reticence does not extend to much of the rest of the interweb however...the sites are still proliferating in a peculiarly disgusting fashion...from the "refined"..."if you are a sophisticated conspirist you will know that the nonsense in conspiracy theories buries the 'case for conspiracy' under layers of bunk." to the overtly maudlin and border-line nostalgic..."november 22, 1963. dallas, texas. in less than a second america died." any way you cut it is a sad waste of time and energy better spent on addressing the entirely more serious problems facing the species these days ( an economic system in crisis and in need of a serious philosophical readjustment that the hegomonic culture will resist tooth and nail because it will certainly cost them their preeminence in society,,,but the collapse they will engender will do that "the limits to growth" sometime or john stewart mill on "stationary economy") like climate change or obamalands' "entropy" ( how, i wonder, will he fight thermodynamics as applied to anthropogenic structures? "everything put together, sooner or later it falls apart ) so let me say again, categorically, i do not care who shot the giddy little hubris filled is irrelevant to all but the unbalanced and those with entirely too much time on their hands...aldous huxley and c s lewis both died on the same day...and while i find lewis unreadable and naive they still were the much greater loss in human terms...where are the conspirists for that?

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