Monday, November 23, 2015

some kind of conspiracy?

just an observation ( not even really a rant..sorry to disappoint )...yesterday was the fifty-second anniversary of that giddy, hubris filled massachucetts brahmin's assassination by a dishonorably discharged ex marine with a surplus mail order fascist rifle and, search as i might ( admittedly not in the lunatic fringe of the interweb...although it so permeates the damned thing it is hard to tell where the fucking fringe is...possibly somewhere between trump's twitter account and blake's "proverbs from hell" ) through a mix of media ( the closest i got to the true fringe was a harrowing trip to yahoo,,i am still shaken...and did whomever named it read swift? ) i couldn't find any reference to the historical event...from the staid ( and elitist ) new york times to the aforementioned it be that an entire generation of conspiracy theorists have passed away in a single year? or is it that the youth most media is aimed at don;t give a rat's ass about some ancient history that hasn't touched them directly..or have the events of the moment pushed the jabbering freaks to the margins where they belong while the rest of us try to come to terms with current events ( including the circus that is the 2016 presidential race...i have purchased a newly minted history of rome and its eventual collapse to serve as a primer )...i can't say i will miss the lame and self-promoting band of geeks and the fucking "open mike theory"...useless waste of time...he's dead...let it go...there are more immediate things to concern us.

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