Tuesday, May 8, 2018

give me a "v"...

"the idea of restraining the legislative authority...is one of those refinements which owe their origin to a zeal for liberty more ardent than enlightened." alexander ( burr is a slimeball) hamilton...federalist XXVI_________oh i voted alright...not because i think it will have much impact...as an individual my vote has been and remains almost worthless ( i would point your attention in the direction of any presidential election i have participated in since 1972 and the relative impact my vote has had in a state that is thoroughly predictable in its voting habits )...still...it makes them nervous when there are a lot of voters so i vote just to fuck with them...i have no illusions about "restraining the legislative authority"...in the words of old joe shumpeter there is no common good and they will do what they damn well please after the electioneering bullshit is packed away for "four more years"...they prove this time and again and yet there are people who still think we have the power as "the people"...the system hamilton and co. designed is humming along nicely excluding "the will of the people" from the decision making process...trump may be a fucktard but he is of "the elite" and they will tolerate his tweeting if they get richer...and, so far, they have...so i paged through the ballot and it was with increasing unease that i noticed something i had never seen in one before ...one guy had the sobriquet "big bill" in parentheses between his first and last name..and on anther page i found "the spoon"...where, i wondered, was tony "the greengrocer"? or bob "the hatchet"?...i am thinking full blown aliases will be on the ballot soon as "the people" and their wants and needs become more irrelevant to a political process increasingly openly ( it has always been so...they just suppress the history of it ) driven by the bogey man of the great emancipator "faction" ( as though the republican part of his day wasn't one )...that we as a nation are divided and conflicted is undeniable...what is ignored is that, except for a handful of times, it has always been so...the civil war was a symptom of that and, although the constitution faction persevered in that conflict, that division has never healed...the late empire is losing sight of itself and faction will be on the rise..."big bill' and "the spoon" are simply indices of that. ADDENDUM:
could the individual who handed me this as i walked into the polling station be accused of vote buying?

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