Saturday, February 9, 2019

the billionaires sit down to eat

jeff bezos has assembled a team of crack jurists to take it to american media and the specious and fatuous scandal rag they call the enquirer which litters the floors of bathrooms everywhere for any number of worthwhile bathmats supposes the heart of the matter lies with the cozy relationship between the enquirer's publisher and the irredeemable clown in the white house and his social media war with the publisher of the washington post...a scandal rag of somewhat better would perhaps be instructive to ponder on what might be the subtexts of this very public and vindictive what do we follow or ego? since the two are inextricably entwined...especially in the case of the two major protagonists...we will probably have to deal with players first..the appropriately named david pecker...enquirer honcho and trump sycophant...ran an expose on bezos' extra-martial affair and allegedly threatened to publish embarrassing photos of bezos and his enamorata if he didn't call off a private investigator...clearly this bozo sees circulation and so profit as well as an offensive against one of his hero's detractors...a cog in the trump propaganda machine and a fine example of the consequentialist ethos of capitalism...because of a plea deal last year he and the enquirer may be in trouble here as the feds are nosing matter though as long as the good work goes on...the president ( i was never overly impressed with the office or the whoring politicians who held it...still...after this stint of nonsense it will never be redeemed...a term of opprobrium from here out ) sees political mileage if he can discredit bezos and, through him, the washington post, which seems second only to the new york times in its loathing of trumpy..and if he and/or his family can turn a buck in the process of an attempted character assassination so much the is the measure intelligence...right? and on the subject of money...with a messy public divorce and obvious continuing legal entanglements, bezos is clearly in line to lose a bundle..that said, amazon and the washington post aren't going anywhere ( despite the trumptard's continued inane twitter assaults...absolutely the best case against social media i can think of...and yes, i see the irony of this in posting this link on social media ) i don't think we need worry about jeff missing a meal...he will be alright...he says he is standing up to pecker because he wants to defend the small fry the enquirer might go after who do not possess his resources...laudable if true...sounds more like pr spin...cover for the darker motives of wealth and ego...the deeper motivations in this are an education into the ethos of wealth and power...whoever has the most wins while the rest sulk and scheme to take back what they can...the government here was never "by and for the people"...a shiny lie that perpetrated by madison and co. all those years ago...and deeply abetted by the great emancipator...currently we are being schooled in what it is really all attention.

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