Wednesday, March 27, 2019

synopsis ( which would indicate a lack of some detail )

that i consider politicians of any stripe to be thieving whores with the serendipitous ability to metamorphose their activities into some semblance of legality through the magic of legislation should be patently obvious by now...and the events of the past week will not put a stick in the spokes of the bicycle of will embolden some...quiet none...and the wolves in the congress who feel themselves more capable of leadership than der furhair will be howling for the next twenty months or so...and virtually none of it will be to the benefit of the the wake of the "great exoneration" there is already a movement afoot ( probably spearheaded by the ever slimy mcconnell...why am i reminded of everet dirksen when old mitch is in the news? perhaps the oleaginous sycophancy is the common denominator here ) to repeal the affordable ( ha!) health care act and they will not stop there...what seriously has to be considered is the distinct possibility of a second term for trumpy if the unfortunate democratic party self destructs between now and election day ( to discount this possibility is delusional magical thinking...something the dithering left in this country seems adept at )...if that is the case they will go after medicaid, medicare, and social security with a ruthless efficiency that they are clearly capable of ...the question is why kill longstanding social programs and the answer i keep coming up with is debt...the only way to make "new" money is through interest charged on debt...the more debt the more money wealth rakes in and these people are inherently greed driven...their basic policy near as i can tell is to reduce the population at large to a sate of debt penury...they want it all...including your firstborn...and the first step in taking them is to kill anything that might prevent, forestall, or mitigate crippling debt..avarice is the prime mover...they have been making private liability into public debt for some time now...the levers of political control allow a lot of ethical latitude...trying to take it all would be the next logical step...the ghost of jay gould ( and, perhaps, charles tyson yerkes ) has returned to haunt a new age of economic disparity and gilded mansions...and the democrats...well..pelosi is wealth so she will, with a show of public reluctance, countenance this...and profit...the unfortunate few who lay to the left of her have no cogent plan ( the "green new deal" is stillborn and if there were any other "plan" it might have been able to be instituted when the shit hit the fan in 2008...there was should be developed for the next time the economic equilibrium is punctuated by a greed based crisis ) all they have is an intellectual superiority complex that informs them the polity at large is far too stupid to grasp what is good for it and has to be led to it and have it rammed down its throat...which, incidentally, has a lot to do with why trump was elected in the first the end all i can muster is a fair amount of disgust for the sham of "representative government" ( which has been a sham since 1789...the constitution is the counter revolution )...repulsive displays of political hypocrisy...even the buddha is trying not to puke.

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