Tuesday, April 2, 2019

nietzsche and the cosmetic

"one has deprived reality of its value, its meaning, its truthfulness, to precisely the extent to to which one has mendaciously invented an ideal world." fred nietzsche from "ecce homo"_____________while strolling though a perceived upscale retailer i was struck by the counter for a cosmetics brand called "philosophy" and began to ponder which philosopher of my limited acquaintance could do justice to the irony i saw there since"'Philosopher" translates as "lover of wisdom" and "wisdom" ( whatever that is ) should, one supposes, entail some sort of "truth"...admittedly "truth" is a slippery subject and, despite the media's contention otherwise , wholly subjective...still, i can think of fewer material things more dedicated to falsification than cosmetics ( cosmetic surgery may be an even more radical falsification...however there are conditions, say reconstruction from traumatic injury, where that may be wholly acceptable )...after a quick mental rundown of a checklist ( once again, limited, others may have far better examples to use )...i lit on an old standby...fred was a weird old coot who died broken and crazy and then was intellectually disfigured by his utterly self-absorbed and nazi loving sister ( hitler was at her wake ) who took much of what he actually said out of context to justify the antisemitic scheming of her husband and so fit the fuhrer's worldview which nietzsche himself would have repudiated as crack brained...but that is somewhat beside the point ( digression is the structure of human thought )...fred was weird but could say ( or write ) things that can knock you out of your chair..cosmetics = false ideal...falsification...death of the real...more post-modern claptrap way before exaggerated french intellectualism defined post-modernism by deconstructing itself and losing some of the parts...one supposes fred would disapprove...crates of thebes would too i bet...fred just left more surviving writing behind which made him far more accessible.

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