Sunday, April 21, 2019

cashing in on extinction ( and making you feel like you're doing something about it )

the puking buddha has had a rough time of it lately and conditions seem unlikely to improve his dyspepsia...certainly the n y times is mired in a series of hypocritical being the tracking cookies it tries to install while you are perusing its new "privacy project" news software tells me google and amazon are the perps there however we are looking at something i ran across in today's new york times magazine that should shoot their credibility on virtually anything in the ass...or, at least, make you think twice about what they have to say,,,the times has a new partner...
the times and some outfit called everlane are hawking " a limited edition clothing selection that shines a light on the most important story of out times..."...laudable until you have a look...when you go to the first page has this for a header...
and we already know there's an the end snobbery is what the times is about...both economically and editorially...this is just another line of evidence...what they are hawking is this...
a line of ny times "truth" ( a massive self-congratulatory program they have been touting in full page ads in some form in most every edition they print ) t shirts and sweatshirts...the t shirts are $25 a crack...i have no clue what the sweatshirts go anti tracking software won;t let me go into everlane's site...they want to know too much seemingly...i got the t shirt price from the n y times store web the upshot is you can shine a light on climate change and the eventual extinction of humans while paying cold hard cash to the times and their associates and fell better about it all because you made a statement by obeying the prime directive...consume...i cannot say "fuck these people" often enough.

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