Wednesday, December 18, 2019

impeached? so?

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment." article I, section 2, clause 5 of the u.s. constitution_____________________the house impeaches but they do not adjudicate the trial...that is up to the senate and if those scoundrels convict it would be the biggest legal news since georgi dimitrov was acquitted by the nazis for complicity in the reichstag fire in 1933...weirder things have happened...possible but not tremendously probable...between lindsey grahm's example of esculpatory pre-judgement and mitch mcconnell vowing a "speedy trial" speedy there will be no witnesses and not time for measured assessment...just a vote along party lines and acquittal and a second term...the yahoos will bray...the liberals will wail...the evangelicals will thank god...and the rich will continue to get richer...the kleptocracy will be reaffirmed and people who have a keen eye for human nature and the study of the political system as it is rather than the high school civics version with it's "will of the people" and it s happy endings will be validated if still in the same miserable boat as everyone else...the system aint is designed to negate the "will of the people" and maintain an elitist control of the hegemonic culture while paying lip service to republican forms...have a look at gibbon and the imperial senate's activities...the pigs are at the trough...dislodging them will not be a simple matter.

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