Saturday, April 18, 2020

comsumerist rock meets calvinist hard spot

the federal government alleges it is sending me $1200 that i can utilize as i see fit...some, like usa today ( the volkisher beobachter of the day ) want me to invest it in the stock market...this is howlingly bad advice geared toward buttressing big thank you...i have an investment ira that has tanked...not going there with more bank wants me to shove it straight into a savings account ( a likelier least until the property taxes come due ) to buttress their state is paying me not to work and they allege there is more if they can figure out the federal guidelines for disbursing it...we will see...all this free money runs counter to the deeply held puritan/calvinist belief in the work ethic...god smiles on those who work their asses off for big greed and charity makes the proles lazy and inclined to vice ( as if big greed were not awash in vice...but they are wealth and have a different ethos, no? )...god loves a capitalist...well...god and i are on the outs...whatever it is it has a lot to answer for, intricate plan or the government is in a dilemma...they hate charity...but not especially for the above theological reasons..if you are paying people not to work they are not producing anything concrete to the "benefit of society" why pay them...because the whole system is dependent on consumption/exchange to function as a vector for the upward redistribution of wealth...if the proles don't have money they cannot no exchange...i am under a "stay at home " order and its guidelines are fairly stringent..unless i need a pizza or some coca-cola...then i am free to roam and suppliers are free to supply...some things are sacred...
like bring able to buy pepsi in guatemala city...she needed that...and all the while the advertising machinery grinds on to enhance and engineer that consumption...why? because the underlying reason for goading consumption is not to just instigate exchange, but, ideally, to create exchange on credit...because debt is what makes new money and big greed loves new money...debt = upward redistribution of wealth and this miserable virus has fucked up the elaborate theological/philosophical underpinnings of the whole exchange nexus...dear god, straight up retailers are closed! no good can come of this! and so the " the americans who struggled in good times" ( and why would americans "struggle in good times"?...because we exported most of the unionized jobs that paid a living wage and replaced them with the "gig economy" that does not pay a living wage in an exerted effort to bring about more of that debt stuff because big greed loves new money and debt penury will keep the rabble in line ) soldier on consuming what they can in bad ones...because the system has needs...and it needs the proles to go back to work no matter how many of them the virus kills as a result..."we have a system here and we don't need you to fuck it up" is big greed's virus management mantra...i could go on...naming names...but you know who the malefactors in the political world are...the state is due ( unless there is another gubernatorial waffle ) to "re-open" ( this is nothing if not a trumpist haven ) on tuesday...don't forget your masks and hand sanitizer...if you can find them...the exchange process has stressed the supply chain in specific directions.

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