Saturday, August 1, 2020

that elusive reichstag fire

"With Universal Mail-in Voting ( not Absentee Voting which is good) 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely, and safely vote???"
"But I am frankly appalled by the president's recent tweet seeking to postpone the November election. Until recently I had taken as political hyperbole the Democratic assertion that President Trump is a fascist. But this latest tweet is fascistic and is itself grounds for the president's immediate impeachment again by the House of Representatives and his removal by the senate." Stephen G. Calabersi, co-founder of the Federalist Society in today's new york times op-ed section_______________donny knows he's toast in a fair election ( and what's this "securely" bullshit don? your buddy putin will be all over this like a cheap suit ) and that new york is going to try to toss him in the dankest cell sing sing has to offer the minute biden takes the oath...he has nothing left in terms of cogent thought and in flailing about looking for a way out has begun to alienate even the most faithful of the faithful ( who held their noses against the rankness of the administration as long there was the chance of profit in it ) who are bailing and leaving him to wither like a snake in a brush fire...that he does not have the authority to delay the election must be a shock to his corporate ceo world view...and that a majority of the polity believe he never should is probably beyond his limited cognition...he will try to steal this election any way he can...frightened people are liable to come unhinged in their desperation and donny has the fear can smell can the republicans and they are scrambling to cover their political asses...whatever actually happens on november third ( and the chances of any sort of objective reality filtering through are fairly slim since no one in the media or on social media is objective and, probably, only a small handful in real life are actually willing to set aside comforting world views to be realists about much of anything ) the whole affair is going to end in a welter of recriminations, lawsuits, and the best chance of sustained political violence since 1860...despite that...or. perhaps because of that, i will do what i did this past may...put on a mask...go to the polling place...and vote my conscience...they're all whores, narcissists, and they all is always a negative choice between people who think they know better than i do what is in my best interest and what i should be doing about it...this too is manifest bullshit on manifold levels...still...i can see at a glance what the lesser evil is...donny is finding the reichstag fire difficult to set...that doesn't mean this will end well.

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