Sunday, October 4, 2020


while we were squirreling vital consumer goods away in a stockroom at a major retailer today a coworker opined that donny's faking a case of covid-19 to shore up his poll numbers and gain can suppose this is a fairly common opinion...and certainly the adminstration and, seemingly, the media are doing their part in the confusion...after yesterday's "get well soon" card from the n y times they had this to say...
need? truth? misled? i am incredulous...what did they expect? and not just from the current adminstration ( although expectations of a straight answer about anything from them seems hopelessly optimistic )...all politicians lie and by extension so do all presidents...whether campaigning or in office...the history of the presidency is full of howlers on both sides of the office...from william henry harrison's " log cabin and hard cider" campaign to reagan lying about lying...true in the past they may not have lied about eisenhower's health...however they all lied through their teeth about guatemala in 1954...kennedy lied about the bay of pigs...nixon lied because he was adept at it...or at least thought he was...carter lied about iran...i have mentioned reagan...clinton lied about inhaling ( and that woman )...dubya lied about weapons of mass distruction...obama lied about health care being affordable...and donny can't seem to do anything what the fuck does the n y times expect? what do you expect? if it's "the truth" the first problem you have is it is subjective and no damn body agrees what it might least not in any form of he survives this donny will be more arogant and convinced he is a diety than ever ( if such a thing is possible ) and if he doesn't it will be a qanon "doctor's plot" engendered by the "deep state"...either way "the truth" may be something unattainable..and even if you find it will anyone believe it? it would be of interest to hear what the doctor might have to say about all this..orwell even more so.

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