Friday, October 23, 2020


the puking buddha and i were hashing over the vagaries of life and current events this this miserable campaign, coming on top of a miserable presidency, grinds on we were asking ourselves what is actually going on...looking to wend our way through the hired bullshit and get at some facts ( as opposed to "truth" which is just someone's interpretation of facts...subjective and relativist )...and, frankly, with all the partisan wailing and misinformation and threats of ruskie interfence and bogus appeals to law and order from the supporters of the criminal element in the white house, the facts are buried deeply in an abyss of smoke and mirrors...joe and kammy are ahead in the polls and, from what i read but am uncertain of, have a lot more cash on hand to spend in the "final days"...the trumpist cadres are distancing themselves and donny has floated the idea of leaving the country...( look to milania to bail before things turn ugly )...all fine and good except the garbage this clown had unleashed isn't going anywhere even if he flees to putinland ( if his attempts to steal the elction in courts he has packed with crypto-fascist judges fails ) will take decades to recover from it if recovery is even possible...this place is as divided as it ever was in the 60s and the effects of four years of disinformation are in the political dialectic and will take considerable time to work out...what changes if joe and kammy win? well..the rhetoric eamnating from the presidency may soften a bit and the tantrums may die down...however the institutions are not going to change one iota...the inherent bias towards wealth deep in the constitution and the way politics works here isn't going anywhere and since money talks in whoretown there won't be anything but superficial movement on subsatntive issues ( say climate change ) because if those issues are acted on wealth and power satnd to lose...well...wealth and power and they are not going to go quietly...since joe hasn't said anything substantive that i am aware of i have no clue where he stands on anything...kammy is from califonia and is in bed with big tech which bodes ill in my estimation since she is likely to be president if they win and actually take office...a former prosecutor as well..that has rule crazy control freak written all over it...and this is where the tuphos lies...there will be change either way...but it won't be anything but cosmetic...the system is resilient and deeply resistant to the federalist john for whomever...but don't come whining to me about BAU

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