Friday, January 1, 2021

defining the year

we are all lexicographers...we define things all day everyday...mostly to try to make sense of the absurdity and chaos of daily is not an is the arbitrary start of a "new year" ( new year's day may as well be february nineteeth for all the "naturalness" if january first as a demarcation ) and what do i feel like defining today? anyone who reads this knows i am one of aristoltle's ( even if i find aristotle to be a complete philosophical jerk ) " political animals"...and, while i am no seer, i do have an opinon ( i know, tell you something you don't know ) and it runs pretty much like this: the trumpist cadres in the senate like josh hawley are going to try to subvert this past election to the bitter end because they want an authoritarian government with a subtext of theocracy provided by that cretin pence...why? because then they can take everything they can by enacting legislation that legalizes their rapacity...they are greedfy fucks led by one of the greediest and most solipsitic ones...biden is not president just yet...hold the celebration...and then what will there be to celebrate? BAU i am thinking...sure biden's "adminstration" is "serious about climate change"...quite a bit of cngress is not...there will be dissent...look for the "green new deal" to stay dead and for cosmetic rather than subsatntive action...subsatntive would cost too much in money, powwer, and prestige...humans are habitual...when will you quit driving to work...or the store...or to grandma's? you aren't i am thinking ( me either...i am not innocent )...the pandemic will continue as the virus mutates beyond already somewhat dated vaccines that are really not geting out the public anytime soon anyway...wear a mask...wash your hands...don't hoard...i will continue to go to live much as i have in the past ( although i have adapted to a mask...wearing it has become habitual )...and i will continue to be astounded by all those who hold a high school civics view of this as a governmat by and for "the people" and that the way things are is "not how things are supposed to work"...disenfranchising the "will of the people" is the whole point of the aristocratic and counter-revolutionary "constitution"...admittedly the current adminstration is taking the concept to the extreme is still what jay, madison, and "that damed ass hamilton" had in mind...they might disapprove of the extremism, but not fo the concept...the election is not over.

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