Tuesday, January 12, 2021

powers that be

i have little use for extremists from either side of the political spectrum...there are a lot of similarities between them including the fact that 1.) they think they know what's gpoing on when their cognition isn't any better than yours or mine 2.)they are suckers for conspiracy theories and 3.) they are pathalogically incapable of listening to anything but their own voices...i have less use for a racist...we are all humans and we all came from africa...get your dna sequenced...the capitalist oligarchy ( to which old donny trump belongs people...he is not on your side, he is on his ) isn't any more palatable...they are single minded in their extraction of wealth from the rest of us and they are the ones in control...
just a sample from today's n y times ( a mouthpiece for the oligarchs it is true...however in their arrogance the suppose they are not tranparent...they are infomative in ways they would not be especially pleased with ) illustrating where the real power is centered...sporadic violence may help keep the proles killing one another and distracted from the extraction ( plus there's always a splke in gun sales...remington thanks you )...civil war might do serious damage to the economy which would impact cash flow and have an adverse effect on their wealth...they are not having that...they will, if necessary, trot out the military and they have F 16s...the extremists do not...mind your p's and q's. you have been told.

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