Saturday, January 29, 2011
chase is looking for your feedback...
...but only if you fit the correct socio-economic profile for their criminal pursuits...
clearly i have answered one of their survey's questions improperly and have been found lacking in the proper sort of class loyalty, tolerance for criminal avarice, the politics of a robber baron, or a profound case of consumerist stockholm syndrome...all of which delineate their most beloved will remove cash form my accounts on the flimsiest of pretexts and i have committed the ecological sin of using their drive-up windows only because every time i go into the lobby some fucking banker ties to sell me another one of their "products"...soon i will not be able to afford to bank there and will need to find some small-time operator to look after my hard-earned funds....madoff leaps to mind as someone who might give me a better return...i'd cut and run on the evil bastards today if they hadn't siezed control of my mortgage through a series of unfortunate bank collapses and finacial mergers engineered by wall street, the criminal degenerates and low-life scum whores in congress, and a completely docile public... rationalized by an utter collapse in ethical standards by anyone in a position of wealth and power that started with alexander hamilton and led in a direct line to the mentality of jay gould, henry frick, and charles tyson yerkes ( whose portraits you can find on the walls of any chase branch)'s a sad day for banking when they won't let a token proletarian on the committee whose input they are going to ignore anyway...they can't even be honestly dishonest.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
hamilton may rise from the grave on this one
"republican lawmakers in nearly a dozen states are...introducing measures that hinge on 'nullification'. thomas jefferson's late 18th century doctrine that purported to give states the ultimate say in constitutional matters."
associated press 1-26-2011
wait a minute...who won the civil war anyway? the jeffersonian ideal of a republic of townships has been dead and buried since madison and the second generation of american political operatives ran the old man out of whoretown in 1809 with the ascension of james "his littleness" ( thank you bill maclay) madison to the presidency...the proponents of hamiltonian government by special interest fought a fierce battle with the slaveholding true believers of jeffersoinan ideals but the rail splitter put an end to their intransigence in 1865 and the second republic was what's happend to the party of lincoln? how times change as the newfangled face of politics forces those who purport to hold old abe in high esteem to take a dump on his principles and become that pariah of american politics..."state's righters"...true the empire is in bad shape...visibly weakened and somewhat divided, dispite the cross-aisle hand-holding that went on yesterday...and it may seem to be the time for the secessionist yearnings of a broad spectrum of special interests to say "fuck it" to the whole constitutional experiment...but the feds are heartless bastards who don't deal with that sort of rejection very well...someone will eventually educate the apostate republicans to the reality of the granite facade that lincoln left behind
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
ghosts of the first ward rejoice
"they are looking at the statute and taking it at face value. they say it requires you to be a resident for a year. he didn't. so they say he doesn't qualify."
christopher keleher. an "expert" on appellate litgation.
aside form being one of the most self-eveident statments i've seen in quite a while it's also true...of course they're "taking it at face value."...strict interpreters of the law...they're judges...and democrats...the question is...Whose judges? there are many rooms in the mansion of chicago politics and some are better lit than others...if rahm emanuel was truly a resident he'd know this and act accordingly...all that money out manouvered by a can still be overcome...(the "birthers" say obamaland cannot be president...but they are fools and should be locked away in the idiot bin with all the others that think empire gives a rat's ass about what they think...obamaland is president until at least january 2013 and their bleating will not stop that...not any more than mere legality could undo the stolen election of's a matter of relative power...who is on your side...rahm seems to have overlooked the judiciary)... unless rahm makes some strategic payoffs, and qickly, he won't be on the ballot and all his bleating won't change that either...the everleigh sisters, johnny "da pow" powers, hinky dink, bathhouse john, and the ever loathesome charles tyson yerkes are giggling in first ward heaven...their chicago is else could daley have survived as mayor for so long?
9:12 p m 1-25-2011
i see that someone better attuned to the realities of chicago politics has stepped up in rahm emanuel's campaign staff and seen to it that the greasy bags of hundred dollar bills that had been counted out and set up on the bar at the workingmen's exchange found their way into the proper hands...rahm's people got to the illinois supreme court first insuring that they were firmly in the right camp and rahm's name was ordered immediately returned to the ballot...that's the advantage of deep can out-buy your oppenents when it comes to air-time, name recognition, or judiciary.....i don't suppose supreme court justices come cheap....if they did ed burke would be king of chicago by it stands he can only stand by and watch as the finest piece of political manouvering since hanging chads comes undone for want of a few million bucks...wandering the loop aimlessly accosting the homeless and being bounced from seedy bars for asking questions no-one wants to answer...politics is a hard dollar...donors are fickle and demanding and now and then the voters will flog you like a mule for no good reason at all outside the fact that you prove you're cheapjack scum every day of your " public service" understands your problems and when you try to explain yourself it all comes out as gibberish sprinkled with pig-latin...the fat's in the fire in chicago and the old man is spinning in his grave.
Friday, January 21, 2011
evil bastards in government and you
"policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way for states to declare bankruptcy and get out from under crushing debts, including the pensions they have promised to retired public workers...for now the fear of desatblizing the municipal bond market with the words "state bankruptcy" has proponents in congress(whores!!)going about their work on tip toe."
n y times 1-21-2011
"they are preparing a massive assault on us. we're atking this very seriously."
charles m. loveless. legislative director of the american federation of state, county, and municipal workers.
the current economic slump has mired "growth" and inhibited the prerogatives of wealth to the extent that the london boat show held this month was forced to include used yachts in its line-up of toys for the rich...that's how bad it has become, despite the propagandizing of a yellow financial press to the contrary...the hired whores in congress have repeatedly let those with means off the hook as far as actually paying anything like a proportionally fair ammount of their income in taxes and with millions unemployed government finds itself somewhat fianacially
"embarrased"...a difficult postition for soverign governments to be the question is how to fuck over state workers with out spooking investors by decalring that the hamiltonian system is financially as well as ethically bankrupt...certainly wouldn't want to compromise the security and mental well-being of wealth by admitting that the government is run by a group of twisted incompetents who only really understand greasy bags of hundred dollar bills being exchanged for their votes in favor of whatever the people with the money want irregardless of its long-term impact of the people who work for a living and actually pay is it that corporations and government can be so fiscally irresponsible and our creditors call us if we happen to be a couple of days late getting the checks in the mail or logging in to pay them? how long does this weird shit have to go on before people realize that the emperor has no clothes...that the vast ponzi scheme of upwardly redistributing wealth that was brought forth on this continent two hundred and twenty-two years ago is about done? politicians are not your friends...and the system isn't free or's fucking wealth looking out for itself...hang on...the great unwashed electorate that thought they were voting for "tea party" populists last fall have put the hard-liners in office and the shit is about to hit the fan for everyone who works for a living...they will take all they can to mainatin their position of privilige...including your pensions, your house, your car, and your children if they think thay have to...warped, degenerate, amoral, and so full of themselve themselves they have to retire to the vomitorium periodically or explode in the street, they will do whatever they think it will take...fuck these people.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
pathos, or just pathetic?
ah! mailcall!
a long day at work..then off to class...and home to this...made my day..."they're at it agian"? of course they're at it's what they do...they're whores...admittedly of the small town state legislature type, but quality counts for something...what they lack in manipulative sophistication they make up for with a mean streak of vindictiveness and a predeliction for base thuggery...and i would expect no less form them...what continues to amaze me time and again is the naivete that union leadership displays in insisting that we have "friends" in politics and that my state representative gives a rat's ass about what i oppose or support on any day but the election....incredible...clearly the rules of the game continue to completely elude their comprehension...the only thing that speaks to politicians is greasy bags of hundred dollar bills...influence in the hamiltonian second republic is bought and sold via the agency of lobbyists who are in the buisness of pimping politicians to the highest bidder...poor is no way to be influential...neither is relying on "public opinion"...particularly when the "public" is a group so marginalized as union members...take a hard look at what public sector unions are going through right municipalities ( and soon states ) spiral down into insolvency unionized public employees are being demonized as budget breakers because they have jobs that pay a living wage and have some benefits along with the truncated protection that a union contract provides...mayors are coming to loathe those limited strictures on who can be laid off or fired and for what reasons as much as the wall street journal does ( we can talk about the class warfare inherent in that fucking yellow rag later) state legislator is way more likely to listen to me as a constituent (voter class) than if i run around ringing the leper bell of unionism...unschooled in the reality that technology has taken skill and turned it into the commodity called work the craft union that represents me is suffering form the illusion that someone is still listening...they really need an education officer.
mr. hu in whoretown
"china-u s relations will enjoy smooth and steady growth when the two countries handle well issues involving each other's major interests. otherwise our relatons will suffer constant trouble or even tension."
hu jintao
you have to wonder if mr. hu said this before or after he was lambasted by the tea party hacks and freaks like boehner when he was dragged behind the closed doors of the national bagnio...ignoring or simply being ignorant of the fact that the chinese are old hands at imperial expansion and that they hold a quarter of our national debt, the neophyte whores of the 112th congress leveled criticism of chinese behaviors that would have caused the imperial senate on the other side of the hallway to rise up on its hind legs and bark out its outrage if they had been subjected to it hubris or exceptionalism that leads to a downfall? unfortunate as this episode was the chinese president is moving on to chicago to have a meeting amd possibly dinner with richie daley and pat quinn...who thought this one up? a deliberate effort to take some of the sting out of the congressional pranging by showing mr. hu that things are really rotten in the heartland? a morality play about the high cost of corruption in politics? poor planning? wonder how many of hu's advance team are going to regret this.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
miraculous times
"pope benedict XVI moved his beloved predecessor one step closer to sainthood on friday, confirming a miracle by john paul II and setting may 1, the first sunday after easter, as the date of his beatification. the designation menas he is considered "blessed" and can be publicly venerated. sainthood will follow afer a second miracle is confirmed."
n y times 1-15-2011
the real miracle , in my estimation, is that an institution so mired in a midieval world view and is so blatantly hypocritical about so much of its history ( just pius XII...just that is enough to dismantle its credibility on any issue...not to mention the pedophilia) can still be the spritual home of so many dupes...the only good catholic is an apostate catholic as far as i can see(my kids are all apostate catholics...i was an apostate presbyterian...if such a thing is wasn't a terribly muscualr branch of calvinism i was subject to...and so when the time came to get married in a catholic church to appease my polish mother-in-law i could tell the cleric anything and have a clear conscience...i told the bastard that i would not prevent my children form being raised as catholics...i didn't tell the little bugger i would deliver them to the door though...the pope can bitch at me about it in hell)...ironic that the nazi pope is working to canonize the polish pope who cured a french nun of the disease that eventually killed him through his intercession with the what is religion about? ethics? i am among the most committed of agnostics ( that's right ...i don't know if there's a god or not...niether do just think you do ...or hope there call it faith ...i see it as a lack of evidence...and if there is one it has an evil sense of humor) but i am reasonably moral for a man my age even though i am far from perfect ( no-holier-than-thou bullshit please) without the benefit of a cleric to guide my "path though life"...or is it about doing good works here on earth so you can receive your "heavenly reward"...preserving your ego in optimum circustances for eternity? think about some of the people you know and tell me if you think that's a good idea...sure there are those you suppose you would like to spend eternity with...but you haven't done it yet so how do you know? it could become somewhat tedious after a few million years...and since only the elect are going to be raptured up to heaven the social choices are going to be limited...mostly to nut jobs as i see it...i think i'll pass on eternity with billy graham, his musical shill charlie, and old karol...i recently read tha the purpose of salvation is not to become less human and more divine, but rather to "redeem"our humanity...i don't feel much need for redemption beyond what i can provide for myself...some people need a religion to take the burden of the responsibility for the state of their lives off their shoulders...or to explain to them why things aren't the way they think they should be, or why they are so consistently mistaken about things...well...okay...the human condition can be pretty nasty sometimes and if religion helps them through then that's fine...i wouldn't want to begrudge someone something that comforts them a bit...don't proselytize about your breath...i'm not buying it...or at least i'm not buying the idea that you have the faintest idea about it beyond your own biases and wishful thinking....missonaries are no-one's friends.
secular religions are teleologies and are overrun with missionaries too.
"the quote-unquote freedom of the deranged mind to react violently: is also america"
andrei sitov. itar-tass bureau chief in whoretown
while we're on the subject of miracles...isn't wonderful that a propagandist droid from putinville can be so cavalier about violence coming from a society that just can't seem to shake absolutism...let's see...alexander III...stolypin...lenin...he'd have you shot...but not for personal reasons...only for power... and he'd have felix dzerzhinsky do it for him...stalin? different kettle of fish...didn't trust anyone and used a series of hired thugs ( whom he didn't trust either... used a dog to kill dog ) like yezhov and yagoda and beria to ice anyone he didn't like...putin is of felix's boys...he seems to prefer the gulag to the bullet so he sticks someone who is a threat ( like khodorkovsky ) into the prison system...humane bastard...send this freak back to moscow.
forget the miracles and the teleologies! this is important!
" 'we hate your job!' schwarzenegger quoted family members a ssaying during his early years as governor when he would leave his los angeles home every monday morning for the capital, sacremento, and not return until the end of the week. 'it was heartbreaking every time. in my second term i did better. i tried to fly home every night.'"
associated press 1-15-2011
and to add insult to family values injury the terminator says two terms in office cost him at least two hundred million odllars in lost salaries from the box office epics he would have been in...imagine my distress...and that of most of the people of the golden sad this pompous ass can't be president...whoretown deserves him for at least eight years...i'm also left wondering who footed the bill for those daily flights between sacramento and l a...did he include that in his loss figure as well or did some of those furlough days state employees were forced to take serve another purpose in budget matters? could i loathe poiticians amy more than i do? i will make a serious effort, but i am not making any lake of fire streaming down from heaven yet? another miracle.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
political mourning
the president has gone to tucson to join in the mourning for the friends and loved ones murdered in a shooting spree by a nihilistic twenty-something...having mourned friends and loved ones my sympathies are with those who have sustained such horrific losses...all losses are difficult...sudden ones even more is hoping they find some equinamity in all the sorrow...never trust a politician to aid the process though...a few minutes of web searches informs me that there have been eleven murders in chicago so far this year...nine in new york city..and three each in los angeles and indianapolis...those losses were as horrific for the families and friends...why didn't obamaland publicly mourn there? not a lot of political capital to be made there...the public attention isn't riveted to the mundane killings on the six o'clock news...nothing national in member of the politcal fraternity at opportunity to grandstand as a "healer" polity to court...politics is a cynical, manipulative business...the talented ones are like good actors who can convince you of the sincerity of the parts they are playing...but it's all in the service of another all means we should questiion exactly what we are doing and what kind of people we are and why we are that way...but that searching of interior landscapes shouldn't have benefits for the political should be done as an exploration of our own accountability for these sorts of violent outbursts and how we can change that...not to recharge a president's approval rating...or as a venue for explanations and excuses fron the alaskan grifter and reality tv has-been...they are all made from the same mold...don't let them confuse you.
Monday, January 10, 2011
government oversight is strangling political entrepreneurship
"after listening to mr. delay say he had done nothing wrong, judge pat priest ( from the munsters?) sentenced him to three years in prison for the conspiracy charge and ten years of probation on the money laundering. the judge rejected arguments from mr. delay that the trial had been a politically motivated vendetta mounted by an overzealous democratic district attorney."
"in the house mr. delay was known as the hammer for his no-holds-barrd style of politicking and campaigning.
n y times 1-10-2011
"mr. delay is driven by a deep-seated need to help others."
j. dennis hastert
"this criminalization of our politics is very dangerous, very dangerous to our system."
tom "yardbird" delay
vendetta? why on earth would anyone want to cream old tom "hammer" delay? just another good old bubba from texas ( remember they seceded from mexico so they could own slaves...that's what the alamo was about) who wouldn't hurt a fly...deep stated need to help whom dennis? wealth? himself along the way to a storied career as a whore? fuckin'-a criminialization (although i would tend to think of it more as accountalilty for your actions tom...but then we probably wouldn't be able to stay in the same room for ten seconds without some sort of trouble, eh?) of the political status quo is "dangerous"... constituents (voter class) might go from being trembling supplicants to activists asking about all the pork good can come of that...why let the proles ruin a good thing like "the people's business" just because they're footing the bill? no government regulation stifles the free market...that's a proven fact...just ask any tenured economist at any ivy leauge school...entrepreneurs must be free of constraints to fully realize the potential of their innovative spirit...there's nothing predatory or usurous behind that...tom delay was just taking care of reason to be remorseful about that...this is america after all.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
heirs of the wild west
"they had killed him, they insisted, not to take power or any untoward advantage, but so that all romans might be governed rightly"
from "the assasination of julius caesar" by michael parenti
"do you think that men who served in caesar's army will stand and watch while his body is dragged in the dust, and broken, and thrown aside unburied- for these are the penalties prescribed for tyrants by the wil the populace here in rome act? and the people of italy? i propose that we ratify all of ceasar's acts and projects and confer no praise of any kind on the assasins, but spare their lives, if it be your wish simply from pity, for the sake of their families and friends."
mark anthony
"cicero hated decimus brutus while he served caesar, but loved him once he turned assasin."
"an attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve."
john a boehner
"my sincere condoloences are offered to the family of rep. gabrielle gifford and the other victims of today's tragic shootings in arizona."
sarah "mama grizzly" palin, instigator, grifter, criminal, part-time politician, full-time loon
ever mindful of a backlash in public opinion that could upset their process of serving wealth and turning a healthy buck while they do so, the whores are back-pedaling today....trying to distance themselves from their own rhetoric as the ugly truth of what those mangy fuckers stand for pukes out into the arizona is an old tactic...the romans were hip to it and as the self-appionted heirs to the vilolent substrain of imperial politics the apartchiks of the second republic are well versed in the sly public lie and the face of false contrition...if there is any regret among the crypto-fascists that control the republican party it is that by letting the radical right out of the bottle they have become the political center in the land and may indeed be targets of the forces of armed reaction...eventually the whole rotten edifice of the late empire with its veneer of democracy ( actually plutocracy) will collapse form the weight of its debt, its inabillity to confront the truth about its energy and climate issues, and its political subservience to an economic elite bent on protecting its interests no matter how destructive those interests are to the balance of the world's the risk of being repetitive...fuck these general i do not condone violence...i don't threaten people with violence ( okay i may have advocated kicking tom friedman in the nuts...but i never said i'd do it )...i do occasionally hope for objecvtive proof of a loving diety...but that never materializes and would be god's will (shit happens...same thing) not mine...a fitting post-modern denial of responsibility for anything...which is what pretty much started this screed...politicians are whores and shits...hypocrites who will not evince anything more than a situational ethic...moral cripples in fucking wonder people get shot all the damn time...the system is a toxic sump and it cannot die quickly enough for me...systemic failure may be the only salvation...the powers that be will harumph and tell me there is no sub-text of violence in american politics...but this is patent bullshit...when the norms ballotbox stuffing and legal chicanery fail the assasins come out...all you need do is take the time to read some history... anton cermak for instance...have shufti at that...once again someone...either unwittingly or purposefully...has manipulated a useful fool.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
call me crates
"the people voted to end business as usual, and today we begin to carry out those instructions."
john a boehner. r-ohio
"my goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years. to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bath tub."
grover nordquist
"if you're sick of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign."
george w bush
one wonders how many lobbyists have already paid court to the new unpelosi as he and his cohort in the 112th prepare to ram the granite facade of the second republic to see if it can survive the people's surmise is that they will have no more success ( or any more desire to succeed) than the 111th...or the first for that matter...successful political life in whoretown is the result of adhereing to a finely balanced equation of private coniving coupled with a public misrepresenation of fact...the capitol's marble halls are rendolent with the carcasses of the political careers of those who let one side or the other of that equation come unglued..the idealists like old grover, are blind to this ( or are very skilled at the misrepresenataion part)...they seem to think the system is broken and that with a little well intended tinkering it would run on its true course again...nothing could be farther from the truth...sadly for them the system is working as the original framer intended it to work although, perhaps, on a far larger scale than they dreamed...grover never stood a chance in hell and he watched in facinated horror as his own staff grew to include dick cheney's mother -in-law and a contingent from the grand rapids chamber of commerce the rnc had nowhere else to far as tha degenerate moron carping about cynicism, while doing the tedious research for applicable quotes i ran across this howler from the giddy fool in all his lame duck glory as the economy augered in at the end of his second term: "i had to abandon free market principles in order to save the free market system." aside from showing that free market principles are a complete fiction it is one of the most cynical public utterances by a u s president..and that covers a lot of ground...he sold out distorted and perverted "market principles" to save some cronies and some highly placed beneficiaries of "business as usual"...whoretown is a knocking shop and the "people's business" is run by whores pimped to the highest bidder...fuck these people.
meanwhile the government is on top of events
"under a new, revised census formula overall poverty stood at 15.7 percent or 47.8 million people. across all demographic groups, americans 65 or older sustained the largest increases in poverty under the revised formula, nearly doubling to 16.1 percent. as a whole working age adults 18-64 also saw increases in poverty as well as whites and hispanics. the new measure will not replace the official poverty rate, but will be published alongside the tradtional figure as a supplement this fall for federal agencies and state governments."
associated press 1-7-2011
like unemployment figures the government cooks the books on poverty to paint a rosier picture of life in the late empire than many of us know...we are aware of the dichotomy between reality and the government ( and wall street, for lo they are the same fucking thing...who is the current secretary of avarice? or would that fall under the jurisdiction of the federal reserve?) vison of our lives...yet they keep publishing these howlers in the grey, mostly uninformed, language of the would be worth a laugh of so many were not suffering...but the recovery grinds on...the market and the government and ( most importantly) economists say so...i love it when they lie to me...i love it when they think i am a these people
self-sustaining recovery?
one has to wonder how long ben bernanke can survive with his head up his ass like that.
Monday, January 3, 2011
what, exactly, do you have to do to make them understand?
i am at a loss...flummoxed..pixelated....disturbed...distraught...roaming the socio-economic/political/consumerist wasteland looking for answers to questions most people would rather i not ask and not making any friends here...sometimes late at night over a bag of valerian root i ask myself if it is all worth all this alienation and nihilist, almost nietzscheian anger which so many find unsupportable by even the most cogent of explanations getting me anywhere....and then some lunkhead bureaucratic drone pukes out something so arrogantly stupid and wrongheaded that i am able to become self-validating again because obviously the world is peopled by a goodly number of idiots suffering from the illusion that they are actually thinking and that i may give a fuck about what they have to say...ESPECIALLY POLITICIANS AND THEIR PR may have to hark back to the kardashian hell-hole of my space ( who on earth gives a rat's ass about kim's new hairdo? or that her new song i "underwhelming (duh)? or what the slut hilton or the terminally whacked -out lohan are up to?) and the hoo-ha surrounding this previous fall's electoral campaign to be reminded that i pilloried imperial senate wanna be brad ellsworth at every possible that brainless little freak got a hold of the email address i pay for on a yearly basis to keep the riff-raff out is beyond me...probably that bastard visclosky ratted me out...there is no privacy on the hard cheese to pete when i start my robots continuously sending him video loops of dancing jesus and a vomiting charles bukowski...but that is for a future date...right now i am deeply concerned that an alleged democratic "think tank" or, even worse, "focus group" would send me a note thanking me for my support...politics is a hard have to sell your soul and convince people you don't screw your pants on in the morning...only a select few like gorge w bush richard nixon or hinky dink kenna could pull a thing like that off convincingly... and even they couldn't sustain it for a lifetime...but it is sad thing to contemplate that calling some giddy fool a brainless hack that couldn't cut it as a small town water commissioner qualifies as support...what were this guys critics like?
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