Monday, January 10, 2011

government oversight is strangling political entrepreneurship

"after listening to mr. delay say he had done nothing wrong, judge pat priest ( from the munsters?) sentenced him to three years in prison for the conspiracy charge and ten years of probation on the money laundering. the judge rejected arguments from mr. delay that the trial had been a politically motivated vendetta mounted by an overzealous democratic district attorney."

"in the house mr. delay was known as the hammer for his no-holds-barrd style of politicking and campaigning.
n y times 1-10-2011

"mr. delay is driven by a deep-seated need to help others."
j. dennis hastert

"this criminalization of our politics is very dangerous, very dangerous to our system."
tom "yardbird" delay

vendetta? why on earth would anyone want to cream old tom "hammer" delay? just another good old bubba from texas ( remember they seceded from mexico so they could own slaves...that's what the alamo was about) who wouldn't hurt a fly...deep stated need to help whom dennis? wealth? himself along the way to a storied career as a whore? fuckin'-a criminialization (although i would tend to think of it more as accountalilty for your actions tom...but then we probably wouldn't be able to stay in the same room for ten seconds without some sort of trouble, eh?) of the political status quo is "dangerous"... constituents (voter class) might go from being trembling supplicants to activists asking about all the pork good can come of that...why let the proles ruin a good thing like "the people's business" just because they're footing the bill? no government regulation stifles the free market...that's a proven fact...just ask any tenured economist at any ivy leauge school...entrepreneurs must be free of constraints to fully realize the potential of their innovative spirit...there's nothing predatory or usurous behind that...tom delay was just taking care of reason to be remorseful about that...this is america after all.

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