Sunday, January 9, 2011

heirs of the wild west

"they had killed him, they insisted, not to take power or any untoward advantage, but so that all romans might be governed rightly"
from "the assasination of julius caesar" by michael parenti

"do you think that men who served in caesar's army will stand and watch while his body is dragged in the dust, and broken, and thrown aside unburied- for these are the penalties prescribed for tyrants by the wil the populace here in rome act? and the people of italy? i propose that we ratify all of ceasar's acts and projects and confer no praise of any kind on the assasins, but spare their lives, if it be your wish simply from pity, for the sake of their families and friends."
mark anthony

"cicero hated decimus brutus while he served caesar, but loved him once he turned assasin."

"an attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve."
john a boehner

"my sincere condoloences are offered to the family of rep. gabrielle gifford and the other victims of today's tragic shootings in arizona."
sarah "mama grizzly" palin, instigator, grifter, criminal, part-time politician, full-time loon

ever mindful of a backlash in public opinion that could upset their process of serving wealth and turning a healthy buck while they do so, the whores are back-pedaling today....trying to distance themselves from their own rhetoric as the ugly truth of what those mangy fuckers stand for pukes out into the arizona is an old tactic...the romans were hip to it and as the self-appionted heirs to the vilolent substrain of imperial politics the apartchiks of the second republic are well versed in the sly public lie and the face of false contrition...if there is any regret among the crypto-fascists that control the republican party it is that by letting the radical right out of the bottle they have become the political center in the land and may indeed be targets of the forces of armed reaction...eventually the whole rotten edifice of the late empire with its veneer of democracy ( actually plutocracy) will collapse form the weight of its debt, its inabillity to confront the truth about its energy and climate issues, and its political subservience to an economic elite bent on protecting its interests no matter how destructive those interests are to the balance of the world's the risk of being repetitive...fuck these general i do not condone violence...i don't threaten people with violence ( okay i may have advocated kicking tom friedman in the nuts...but i never said i'd do it )...i do occasionally hope for objecvtive proof of a loving diety...but that never materializes and would be god's will (shit happens...same thing) not mine...a fitting post-modern denial of responsibility for anything...which is what pretty much started this screed...politicians are whores and shits...hypocrites who will not evince anything more than a situational ethic...moral cripples in fucking wonder people get shot all the damn time...the system is a toxic sump and it cannot die quickly enough for me...systemic failure may be the only salvation...the powers that be will harumph and tell me there is no sub-text of violence in american politics...but this is patent bullshit...when the norms ballotbox stuffing and legal chicanery fail the assasins come out...all you need do is take the time to read some history... anton cermak for instance...have shufti at that...once again someone...either unwittingly or purposefully...has manipulated a useful fool.


  1. I noticed from reading friend's FB postings that when called to the mat on this issue of increasing hostile & negative rhetoric and the possible influences it can have, the right wing conservative quickly becomes offended, stating now is not the time to take political advantage of such a tragedy...really? if not now, then when do we discuss of your ill mannered behavior and its ramifications?

  2. denial has been a political tactic for imperial elites all along...think victorian morals...that uptight morality that would not allow public discussion of elements common to most relationships ( sex, bodily functions, etc.) how on earth could there be public discourse about the violence of the british empire? same mechanism at work here...deny...accuse your opponent of making cynical use of a situation your actions created...displace responsibility...anything but talk about the impact of your own actions...the whole strutting, bullying, ranting facade of fox news and conservative commentators as a class is designed to drown out a reasoned critique with emotional noise...sometime you have to stoop to their level to make a ill mannered blog is an example of way of telling sarah palin and glen beck to go get bent...fuck these people
