Saturday, January 15, 2011

miraculous times

"pope benedict XVI moved his beloved predecessor one step closer to sainthood on friday, confirming a miracle by john paul II and setting may 1, the first sunday after easter, as the date of his beatification. the designation menas he is considered "blessed" and can be publicly venerated. sainthood will follow afer a second miracle is confirmed."
n y times 1-15-2011

the real miracle , in my estimation, is that an institution so mired in a midieval world view and is so blatantly hypocritical about so much of its history ( just pius XII...just that is enough to dismantle its credibility on any issue...not to mention the pedophilia) can still be the spritual home of so many dupes...the only good catholic is an apostate catholic as far as i can see(my kids are all apostate catholics...i was an apostate presbyterian...if such a thing is wasn't a terribly muscualr branch of calvinism i was subject to...and so when the time came to get married in a catholic church to appease my polish mother-in-law i could tell the cleric anything and have a clear conscience...i told the bastard that i would not prevent my children form being raised as catholics...i didn't tell the little bugger i would deliver them to the door though...the pope can bitch at me about it in hell)...ironic that the nazi pope is working to canonize the polish pope who cured a french nun of the disease that eventually killed him through his intercession with the what is religion about? ethics? i am among the most committed of agnostics ( that's right ...i don't know if there's a god or not...niether do just think you do ...or hope there call it faith ...i see it as a lack of evidence...and if there is one it has an evil sense of humor) but i am reasonably moral for a man my age even though i am far from perfect ( no-holier-than-thou bullshit please) without the benefit of a cleric to guide my "path though life"...or is it about doing good works here on earth so you can receive your "heavenly reward"...preserving your ego in optimum circustances for eternity? think about some of the people you know and tell me if you think that's a good idea...sure there are those you suppose you would like to spend eternity with...but you haven't done it yet so how do you know? it could become somewhat tedious after a few million years...and since only the elect are going to be raptured up to heaven the social choices are going to be limited...mostly to nut jobs as i see it...i think i'll pass on eternity with billy graham, his musical shill charlie, and old karol...i recently read tha the purpose of salvation is not to become less human and more divine, but rather to "redeem"our humanity...i don't feel much need for redemption beyond what i can provide for myself...some people need a religion to take the burden of the responsibility for the state of their lives off their shoulders...or to explain to them why things aren't the way they think they should be, or why they are so consistently mistaken about things...well...okay...the human condition can be pretty nasty sometimes and if religion helps them through then that's fine...i wouldn't want to begrudge someone something that comforts them a bit...don't proselytize about your breath...i'm not buying it...or at least i'm not buying the idea that you have the faintest idea about it beyond your own biases and wishful thinking....missonaries are no-one's friends.

secular religions are teleologies and are overrun with missionaries too.

"the quote-unquote freedom of the deranged mind to react violently: is also america"
andrei sitov. itar-tass bureau chief in whoretown

while we're on the subject of miracles...isn't wonderful that a propagandist droid from putinville can be so cavalier about violence coming from a society that just can't seem to shake absolutism...let's see...alexander III...stolypin...lenin...he'd have you shot...but not for personal reasons...only for power... and he'd have felix dzerzhinsky do it for him...stalin? different kettle of fish...didn't trust anyone and used a series of hired thugs ( whom he didn't trust either... used a dog to kill dog ) like yezhov and yagoda and beria to ice anyone he didn't like...putin is of felix's boys...he seems to prefer the gulag to the bullet so he sticks someone who is a threat ( like khodorkovsky ) into the prison system...humane bastard...send this freak back to moscow.

forget the miracles and the teleologies! this is important!

" 'we hate your job!' schwarzenegger quoted family members a ssaying during his early years as governor when he would leave his los angeles home every monday morning for the capital, sacremento, and not return until the end of the week. 'it was heartbreaking every time. in my second term i did better. i tried to fly home every night.'"
associated press 1-15-2011

and to add insult to family values injury the terminator says two terms in office cost him at least two hundred million odllars in lost salaries from the box office epics he would have been in...imagine my distress...and that of most of the people of the golden sad this pompous ass can't be president...whoretown deserves him for at least eight years...i'm also left wondering who footed the bill for those daily flights between sacramento and l a...did he include that in his loss figure as well or did some of those furlough days state employees were forced to take serve another purpose in budget matters? could i loathe poiticians amy more than i do? i will make a serious effort, but i am not making any lake of fire streaming down from heaven yet? another miracle.

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