Tuesday, June 28, 2011

hysterical historical memory

"the u s senate unanimously approved a resolution deploring china's use of force in the south china sea and calling for peaceful multilateral resolution of maritime disputes in southeast asia."
reuters 6-27-2011

the whores in the imperial senate are either hubris filled hypocrites ( this gets my vote ) or seriously challenged in matters of their nation's past...i am no expert ( many will agree...i don't much care) but i have completed thirty-nine hours of university level history classes and i have been involved ( off and on ) in writing local history for thirty years...so off the top of my head ( without recourse to the stacks of books around here) i am going to bring up some episodes , both from the recent and more distant past of the empire which will vex those of you who have been rendered stupid by the media and the political cant that passes for debate around here and annoy those of you who have stumbled innocently on this hotbed of subversion because you typed in historical humor and punched "i'm feeling lucky" ( that will teach you to rely on luck)direct intervention by the empire or its proxies:
afghanistan. if this puzzles you read a newspaper.
cambodia. illegal invasion 1970.
chile. complicity in the overthrow of the allende government by that ratbag nixon.
cuba. from 1898 until 1959 degenerate playground of imperial wealth.
dominican republic 1965. another carribean nation unable to control its poor.
el salvador. dutch reagan's cocaine funded contras.
greneada. see dominican republic.
guatemeala. complicity in the overthrow of the arbenz government in 1954 and dutch's contras again.
hawaii. dole overthrew the monarchy and the us got a naval base, a state, and a birther movement.
honduras. see el salvador.
iran. 1953 overthrow of the mossadegh government and installation of the shah. reminded of long-term iranian memory in 1979. there are ALWAYS consequences...this will become more obvious as the imperial decline deepens.
iraq. sad story of a one time client and proxy (saddam and son's) gone rouge, insisting on developing their own policies. perhaps one of the imperial last hurrahs.
korea. just look at it...last bastion of the cold war...beloved of political scientists and jimmy carter.
mexico. quietly retaking its northwestern provinces lost in 1845 much to the chagrin of the squatters in arizona and tha nativist yahoos in texas ( let the bastards go!).
nicaragua. long-time favorite target of imperial intervention since the 1850's. i would draw your attention to smedley butler's musings on the uses of the marines in racketeering.
panama. see iraq and insert noriega instead of hussein.
phillipines. ugly counter insurgency fighting people who thought we promised them self-determination...field test of the colt .380 side arm.
serbia. while the serbs were not saints in the collapse of yugoslavia by any means they also cannot take all the blame...still lots of unresolved issues from the 1940s...clinton's airwar was an expensive piece of macho posturing by a bubba.
somalia. what was that about?
vietnam. imperial eyeopener form my youth...death of any respect for the political trade...birthplace of whoredom and degenerate scum...defrocked clerics, used car salesmen, and lawyers banding together to expand and preserve the haniltonian plutocracy...fuck these people.

still feeling lucky?

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